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"'Won't you forgive me, uncle? begs Loys. "'Some other time; some other time! he hollers, and he pranced out of the house like a hosstyle spider, the maddest little man in the Territory. "Loys had a hard time of it until Kyle got so he could travel, and they went up to the Yellowstone with a team for a wedding trip. "The rest of Loys's folks was in an unpleasant frame of mind, too.

We had news of six hundred English marching to join the Duke, and on them we fell at Couty, hard by Amiens, and there slew Loys Robsart, a good knight, of the Order of the Garter, and drove the English that fled into the castle of Couty, and we took all their horses, leaving them shamed, for they kept no guard.

Systems don't work in faro, nor love affairs, nor any other game of chance. Be gone. Put your marker on the grand raffle. In other words take the first horse to town and get married. Ten chances to one Jonesy will have the laugh on you before the year is out. "'I don't think you are a bit nice to-day, Red, says Loys. "'He's jealous, says Kyle.

"'Hurry there! hollers old Bob from the outside, where he was on watch; 'here comes uncle up the long coulee! "'What are your names? says Father Slade. They told him, both red'ning. "'Do you, Kyle, take this woman, Loys, to have and keep track of, come hell or high water, her heirs and assigns for ever? or such a matter says he, all in one breath, They both said they did.

A great part of her youth she passed in war, wearing man's apparel and assuming the name of "Captain Loys"; at an early age, she left home with a company of soldiers passing through Lyons on the way to lay siege to Perpignan, where she showed pluck, bravery, and skill. Upon her return, she married a merchant ropemaker, whence her sobriquetLa Belle Cordière.

That done, if you wish to come to Bohan, to be nearer me, I would be glad, so as to be able to provide for any further action that may arise. Written at Peronne October 14th. "Loys MEURIN. "To our dear and beloved cousin the Count of Dammartin, grand master of France." Dammartin thought that this letter was phrased for the purpose of passing Charles's censorship.

And, in conclusion, saving the wicked words heard by the reverend person, Dom Loys Pot, a nun of Marmoustiers, who came to assist in his last hours the said Baron de Croixmaire affirms never to have heard any words offered by the defunct, touching the demon who had undone him. And therewith has retired the noble and illustrious lady in deep mourning.

We fellers see an eighteen-carat woman so seldom that it goes to our heads. There wasn't no offence meant, and you'll be foolish if you put it there. Let's shake hands. "So she laughed again and shook. I mean shook. It wasn't like handing you so much cold fish the way some women shake hands. And Loys and me, we were full pards from date. "I made one more bad break on the home trip.

They would have been content to wait. Not so Loys. She wanted her Kyle, her poor Kyle, and she wanted him quick. That's the kind of people for me! Your cautious folk are all the time falling down wells because their eyes are up in the air, keeping tabs so that they can dodge shooting stars. "Now, I had a minister friend up in town, Father Slade by name. No, he was not a Catholic, I think.

Of all this we, in Compiegne, knew so much as that it was wiser to strike the Duke at Roye, before he could add English talbots to his Burgundian harriers. Therefore all the captains of companies, as Boussac, Xaintrailles, Alain Giron, Amadee de Vignolles, and Loys de Naucourt, mustered their several companies, to the number of some five thousand men- at-arms.