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Marie Vachier, riveted to her arm-chair during seventeen years by paraplegia, not only runs and flies on emerging from the piscina, but finds no trace even of the sores with which her long-enforced immobility had covered her body.

The entry of Charles II into Whitehall was the sign for unlimited indulgence in all that had lately been forbidden. "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." The Puritans had pent up for so long the natural cravings for pleasure and gaiety, that, when the barriers were withdrawn, license and debauchery were necessary to satisfy appetites which a long-enforced abstinence had made abnormal.

Marie Vachier, riveted to her arm-chair during seventeen years by paraplegia, not only runs and flies on emerging from the piscina, but finds no trace even of the sores with which her long-enforced immobility had covered her body.

There were two gentlemen at the table besides the count and myself, but they were both Italians, and had no notion of the English custom of sitting over their wine after dinner. The count was a total abstainer, for his long-enforced abstention had taught him a curious delicacy of palate, so that all wines were actually distasteful to him.

That may indicate only unusual imaginative power, or if other lines confirm it, it may mean a tendency to insanity. Then she gave a startled exclamation and paused a moment. 'Oh, girls! she cried. 'How interesting! I have never found this mark in a hand before, but it is in one of the plates. "'What? we cried in chorus, breaking the long-enforced silence. "'It is the suicide line!

When they come back to the towns they break out, and reward themselves for their long-enforced moderation. The wages I found to be very various, running from thirteen or fourteen dollars a month to twenty-eight or thirty, according to the nature of the work.

Marie Vachier, riveted to her arm-chair during seventeen years by paraplegia, not only runs and flies on emerging from the piscina, but finds no trace even of the sores with which her long-enforced immobility had covered her body.

"There, Carter," said he, rubbing his hands together, "it is safe now, and we need not worry." I held out my hand to him, then without a word took my parcels and started on a run for home. That evening father was more restless than usual. He repeatedly lamented his long-enforced idleness.

He CAN'T!" And he was not. The long illness, at the most formative time of the dog's growth, had done its work in developing what, all the time, had lain latent. The same illness and the long-enforced personal touch with humans had done an equally transforming work on the puppy's undeveloped mind. The Thackeray-Washington-Lincoln-Bismarck simile had held good.