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When it was clear that there she wasn't, I tore off to find out where she was. Came across old Lindon, he knew nothing; I rather fancy I startled him in the middle of Pall Mall, when I left he stared after me like one possessed, and his hat was lying in the gutter. Went home, she wasn't there. Asked Dora Grayling, she'd seen nothing of her.

The subject of my relations with papa was one which, without saying anything at all about it, we had consented to taboo. 'I am not so sure. I am permeated with a suspicion that papa has no politics. 'Miss Lindon! I fancy that I can adduce proof to the contrary. 'I believe that if papa were to marry again, say, a Home Ruler, within three weeks his wife's politics would be his own.

It was a fact that only during the last few minutes had I really realised how things were with me, only since the end of that first waltz that the flame had burst out in my soul which was now consuming me. She had read me by what seemed so like a flash of inspiration that I hardly knew what to say to her. I tried to be stinging. 'You flatter me, Miss Lindon, you flatter me at every point.

This was three months before the scene just described, but though Jem spoke in authoritative tones to the men, it was with bated breath to his little wife, who was standing in the doorway looking as fierce as a kitten, when Jem walked up in company with his young master. "Which I will not find fault before Master Lindon, Jem," she said; "but you know I do like you to be home punctual to tea."

I locked the picture of the beetle in the drawer, and I lunched with Dora Grayling. The Terror by Night and the Terror by Day Miss Marjorie Lindon tells the Tale I am the happiest woman in the world! I wonder how many women have said that of themselves in their time, but I am. Paul has told me that he loves me. How long I have made inward confession of my love for him, I should be ashamed to say.

If the object of these wretches, after all these years, is a wild revenge, they would be capable, having discovered what she is to me, of working Miss Lindon a fatal mischief, or, at the very least, of poisoning her mind. 'I see. How did the thief escape, did he, like the delineation, vanish into air?

So far as a most careful search revealed, that was all the compartment contained. It is several years since I bore my part in the events which I have rapidly sketched, or I should not have felt justified in giving them publicity. Exactly how many years, for reasons which should be sufficiently obvious, I must decline to say. Marjorie Lindon still lives.

'That, I said to myself, 'was Miss Marjorie Lindon, the lovely daughter of a famous house; the wife-elect of a coming statesman. To Bellingham I remarked aloud: 'I want you to strain a point, Mr Bellingham, and to do me a service which I assure you you shall never have any cause to regret.

Lindon Lavington thrust his little account book in his breast, and walked hurriedly in the direction taken by the man Jem, entering directly after a low warehouse door, where rows of sugar-hogsheads lay, and there was a murmur and buzz made by the attracted flies.

It should be mentioned that that portion of this strange history which purports to be The Surprising Narration of Robert Holt was compiled from the statements which Holt made to Atherton, and to Miss Lindon, as she then was, when, a mud-stained, shattered derelict he lay at the lady's father's house. Miss Linden's contribution towards the elucidation of the mystery was written with her own hand.