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You don't happen to have an old black ulster with all the buttons off, and a bit of mangy fur dropping off the neck? That's more my style. But of course you haven't." "I had one once of that kind; it was so bad that I could not even give it away. So I put it in the dog's basket. Lindo used to sleep on it. He loved it, poor dear! It may be there still."

The Carolina output remained of mediocre quality until in 1756 Moses Lindo, after a career in the indigo trade in London, emigrated to Charleston and began to teach the planters to distinguish the grades and manufacture the best.

We walked to Hereson, and with the blessing of the Almighty, we laid the first stone of a Holy Synagogue, assisted by our dear and honoured mother, by Abby Gompertz, her daughter Juliana, Solomon and Sarah Sebag, Rebecca Salomons, Justina Cohen, and her daughter Lucy, Louis Cohen, Floretta, his wife, and their son Henry, Nathaniel Lindo, David Mocatta, my dear Judith, and myself.

And I believe that I found favor with many, for they would exclaim, "M'ira que Americanito tan lindo, tan blanco!" I heard one lady tell her daughter, "You may look at him just once, Dolores; oh, see how handsome he is!" The fire of her limpid black eyes struck me as a ray of glorious light.

A yellow light from the public-house made an impassable streak across the road. Cheerful voices were coming along the meadow path behind us. What was to be done? "Go home," she said steadily. "I will find my own way." "But my servant?" "Make your mind easy. She will not see me. I shall not ring the bell. Have you a dog?" "No. My dear little Lindo " "It's going to be a black night.

She looked as if she must have hidden in a wet ditch. I gazed horror-struck at my speckless matting and pale Oriental rugs. I had never allowed a child or dog in the house for fear of the matting, except of course my poor Lindo, who had died a few months previously, and whom I had taught to wipe his feet on the mat. A ghost of a smile twitched her grey mouth. "Is not that the Times?" she said.

A comedy had been substituted, called El lindo Diego, the part of which we saw was well performed. A disagreeable feature, however, was in the position of the prompter, who was placed in the centre of the footlights, and kept up a continuous recitation of the play in a monotonous tone, which greatly marred the effect.

Among those who crowded the place were several men of education, in the Honduranean sense, about equal to that of a poorly trained American child in the fourth grade. But there was not one of them that did not show a monkey curiosity and irresponsibility in handling every article in my pack; my sweater "Ay que lindo!" my papers "How beautiful!" an extremely ordinary shirt "How soft and fine!

Él es lindo mozo ... muy afable.... DON PEDRO. Y muy callado. BRUNO. Y siempre que entraba o salía me apretaba la mano. DON PEDRO. Y nunca me hablaba de dote. BRUNO. Como que es un caballero. DON PEDRO. ¡Oh! Todo un caballero. BRUNO. ¡Si las muchachas hoy día no saben lo que quieren! DON PEDRO. Ni quieren tampoco.

# For a more correct enumeration of the thirteen cabalistic rules of exposition, the English reader is referred to vol. 1, page 209, of the “Conciliator” of B. Menasseh ben Israel, translated by E, H. Lindo, Esqr. # Mr. E. was, doubtless, aware that this is an exposition given by Jewish Commentators. # There exists an English translation of this work by Abraham de Sola.