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Chetwood William Rufus Chetwood who had, in the eighteenth century, a bookseller's shop in Covent Garden, and was, for twenty years, prompter for Drury Lane, a writer of four plays, and a volume of sketches of the actors whom he had met, says: "A tumbler at the Haymarket beat the breath out of his body by an accident, and which raised such vociferous applause that lasted the poor man's life, for he never breathed more.

The prompter, who was standing between the wings, attempted to prompt me, but it did no good; for while I was on the stage I "chipped in" anything I thought of. "The Scouts of the Plains" was an Indian drama, of course; and there were between forty and fifty "supers" dressed as Indians. In the fight with them, Jack and I were at home.

The two postponements and my early departure prevented me from being on hand as prompter. The winter before, these dusky-faced "bul-buls" had performed before a Teheran audience, and one who was a member at that time tells an amusing story of the individual who acted as prompter on that occasion.

If I were to stand, and were to succeed, I will find him a most useful prompter; and with you to inspire enthusiasm for the public service, and this Mr. Sinclair to suggest principles and details, I ought to distinguish myself." "I am quite sure that you will," said Jane; "so my advice is to lose no time in seeing Mr. Freeman.

In spite of his honest face, M. Grimaldi was in love with her, but I thought I had nothing to fear. Before he went she invited him to come to the rehearsal next day. When the actors came I noticed amongst them a young man whose face I did not know, and on my enquiring Rossi told me he was the prompter. "I won't have any prompter; send him about his business." "We can't get on without him."

Abstracted from every other thought, he fixed his attention on the great business in hand, not without misgiving and nervous agitation. When he lifted the rifle to his shoulder, and, trembling with excitement, pointed it in the manner he conceived to be proper, Peter Taylor, stationed at his master's back as prompter and artillerist, gave directions: "Now, sir, cool and steady! 'Old her level!

Then William, sinking his voice from the indignant clearness with which it had addressed the prompter, to a muffled inaudibility, continued: "To eat this little maid is my intent." But there leapt on the stage again the radiant white and blue figure of the Prince brandishing his wooden sword. "Avaunt! Begone! You wicked wolf, away! This gentle maid shall never be your prey."

Thirdly, they should at once arrange their alliances and treaties with foreign powers, in order to render the peace to be negotiated a durable one. As to the first and second of these points, the Netherlanders needed no prompter.

"Come, girls," said Mrs. Van Dam, solemnly, "let us look after our things. They are no longer safe when such an accomplished thief enters." "Cue," said the prompter, close to her side, but she did not hear. Already she was moving forward with a steady grace, born of inspiration.

I, however, parried the attack, by replying indifferently, that if he should have the hardihood to encounter the same dangers, he would, if successful, require no other prompter than the joy of self-preservation to lend the same glow of satisfaction to his own features.