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We envy you. Mars is gone, and Sontag is gone, and Pasta is going and Velluti is out of voice and they are playing tragedies at the Haymarket and Vauxhall will never be dry again and the Funny Club are drenched to their skins every day and "the sweet shady side of Pall Mall" is a forgotten blessing. You will be dull in the country if this weather continue but not so dirty as upon the Macadam.

Portraits of brides in an illustrated paper sometimes wrought him to intolerable agitation the mood of his early manhood, as when he stood before the print shop in the Haymarket; now that he had lost Irene, the whole world of beautiful women called again to his senses and his soul.

Her subsequent engagements were at Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden alternately, till she made that long engagement at the Haymarket, during which she has become best known to the present generation of playgoers. Her more recent brief engagement with Mr. Anderson, at Drury-Lane, and her last one with Mr.

He was court-martialled and broken. He dropped out of his circle like a plummet of lead; the very women in Piccadilly spat if he spoke to them. He blew his brains out three years later in a back bedroom off the Haymarket. Explain that if you can. Turns tail, and says 'I daren't! But you, can you explain it? You can only say it's the truth, and shrug your shoulders.

On the 3d of May, at the McCormick Harvester Works, several strikers were wounded in a tussle with the police. On the following day a mass meeting held in Haymarket Square, Chicago, was harangued by a number of anarchists. When the police attempted to disperse the mob, guns were fired at the officers of the law and a bomb was hurled into their throng, killing seven and wounding sixty.

They were coming from Leicester Square, and he met them just as they turned up the Haymarket. Waiting until they had all gone by, he followed on in the rear of the party, which suddenly turned sharp to the left, and disappeared into the bowels of the earth. "No. 7," murmured the Sapper to himself. "I wonder if the officer is new?" He turned to a bombardier standing at the entrance to the passage.

"Here's something to make you strong." "Right you are!" He drained the contents of the glass and smacked his lips. "Jolly good stuff," he declared. "Where was I, Mr. Inspector?" "Holding the back of a taxicab, corner of Regent Street and Haymarket," Inspector Jacks reminded him. The patient nodded. "There was an electric brougham," he continued, "drawn up alongside the taxi.

He showed me the King's Mews above Charing Cross, and the famous theatre in the Haymarket, and we had but turned the corner into Piccadilly when he cried excitedly at a passing chariot: "There, Mr. Carvel, there go my Lord North and Mr. Rigby!" "The devil take them, Mr. Dix!" I exclaimed. He was silent after that, glancing at me covertly from while to while until we swung into Arlington Street.

In New Haven, Conn., where she was employed in a corset factory, she met Anarchists actively participating in the movement. Here she read the FREIHEIT, edited by John Most. The Haymarket tragedy developed her inherent Anarchist tendencies: the reading of the FREIHEIT made her a conscious Anarchist.

Stephen Kemble, wrote one or two plays, and was a good substitute in emergencies. He committed suicide during brain fever in 1796. Burton was a creditable utility actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane. Phillimore filled small parts at Drury Lane. Barrymore was of higher quality, a favourite character actor both at Drury Lane and the Haymarket. Mrs. Jordan. Mrs.