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Lillie looked pensive, and had that indescribable air of patient martyrdom which some women know how to make so very effective. Lillie had good general knowledge of the science of martyrdom, a little spice and flavor of it had been gently infused at times into her demeanor ever since she had been at Springdale. She could do the uncomplaining sufferer with the happiest effect.

Mamma had often been called in to calm the tumult of his feelings on such semi-annual developments; and she did it by pointing out to him that this heavy present expense was an investment by which Lillie was, in the end, to make her own fortune and that of her family.

Follingsbee and Lillie in the park, he took pains, from time to time, to meet them face to face, and to pass Lillie with an unrecognizing stare. Then he dashed in among Mrs. Follingsbee's circle, making himself everywhere talked of, till they were beset on all hands by the inquiry, "Don't you know young Endicott? why, I should think you would want to have him visit, here."

In the long-run, in these encounters of will, the woman has every advantage. The constant dropping that wears away the stone has passed into a proverb. Lillie meant to go to New York, and have a long campaign at the Follingsbees.

From Eusebius, the great Christian historian, Mr. Parsons, quotes as follows: What is called the Christian religion is neither new nor strange, but if it be lawful to testify as to the truth was known to the ancients. Mr. Arthur Lillie, in Buddha and Buddhism, quotes M. Burnouf as saying: History and comparative mythology are teaching every day more plainly that creeds grow slowly up.

As yet Lillie had been kept intact from all this sort of thing by the hard, brilliant enamel of selfishness.

They don't name girls "Roxy," and "Polly," and "Patty," and "Sally," nowadays; but when the little miss who is my heroine was a lady, those short, funny old names were not at all old-fashioned. "Roxy," especially, was considered a very sweet name indeed. All these new names, "Eva," and "Ada," and "Sadie," and "Lillie," and the rest of the fanciful "ies" were not in vogue.

Columbus, Ohio. Follet & Foster. 12mo. pp. 442. $1.00. Anecdotes of Love; being a True Account of the most Remarkable Events connected with the History of Love in all Ages and among all Nations. By Lola Montez, Countess of Lansfeld. New York. Dick & Fitzgerald. 12mo. pp. 292. $1.00. Southwold. A Novel. By Mrs. Lillie Devereux Umsted. New York. Rudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 257. $1.00.

"O.K.," replied Dick, sententiously. "Oh! how often must I tell you not to use those odious slang terms?" said his wife, reprovingly. "Oh! Mrs. John Seymour knows me of old," said Mr. Follingsbee, winking facetiously at Lillie. "We've had many a jolly lark together; haven't we, Lill?" "Certainly we have," said Lillie, affably. "But come, darling," she added to Mrs.

"Windiest place in England! Very bracing, though too bracing for my taste!" A little later members of the band scurrying back to their lodgings: then utter silence, but for the sound of the wind and sea. But just before Lillie was due back again the weather cleared a little between majestic clouds sweeping along like galleons, appeared a stretch of pure blue sky.