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This belief, adopted passively, and as a thing of course, had had a very prejudicial effect upon Vernon's career. What mattered that he overenjoyed his youth, that the subordinate property of the Vernons, a paltry four or five thousand pounds a year, went a little too fast, the splendid estates of Laughton would recover all.

She inspired him with a supernatural awe he was not wont to feel in the presence of woman. He had a dim consciousness that there lingered in his memory the glimmering image of some woman seen somewhere, he knew not when, who was like unto the woman before him. As she took her seat by the side of the bed, she gave Laurence Laughton a look that seemed to peer into his soul.

"Once upon a time there lived, at an old house in Hampshire called Laughton, a wealthy baronet named St. John. He was a bachelor, his estates at his own disposal. He had two nieces and a more distant kinsman. His eldest niece lived with him, she was supposed to be destined for his heiress; circumstances needless to relate brought upon this girl her uncle's displeasure, she was dismissed his house.

And besides this, Vernon had been so accustomed to the success of the drawing-room, to be a somebody and a something in the company of wits and princes, that he felt, for the first time, a sense of insignificance in this provincial circle. Those fat squires had heard nothing of Mr. Vernon, except that he would not have Laughton, he had no acres, no vote in their county; he was a nobody to them.

"The knight of Laughton confessedly wants thee, O damsel! The knight of the Bleeding Heart may want thee more, dare he own it?" And with a hand that trembled a little, not with love, at least, it trembled always a little before the Madeira at luncheon, he lifted hers to his lips. "Compliments again, words, idle words!" said Lucretia, looking down bashfully.

He resolved, after an effort, to judge himself of the capacities of the young man, and so came the invitation to Laughton.

The British loss had been 32 killed, among whom were Captain William Stevens of the flagship, and Captain Henry Reynolds, of the Exeter, and 83 wounded. The French had 30 killed; the number of their wounded is put by Professor Laughton at 100. On the 12th of March Hughes returned to Madras, and towards the end of the month sailed again for Trincomalee carrying reinforcements and supplies.

"It is forgiven," said Lucretia, coldly, and with a slight wave of her hand; then she added, with composure, "Long since even while heiress of Laughton I parted with mere pride in the hollow seemings of distinction. Had I not, should I have stooped to William Mainwaring? What I then respected, amidst all the degradations I have known, I respect still, talent, ambition, intellect, and will.

Miss Meredith had entertained many distinguished guests who had spoken in Big Hall, but none were made more welcome than the Old Girls, for the Head Mistress knew the appeal which they alone could, and did make. To-day the speaker was to be Ruth Laughton, a nursing sister decorated for gallantry by the King.

But out of the mass of technicalities and repetitions these points of interest rose salient: To Charles Vernon, of Vernon Grange, Esq., and his heirs by him lawfully begotten, were left all the lands and woods and manors that covered that space in the Hampshire map known by the name of the "Laughton property," on condition that he and his heirs assumed the name and arms of St.