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It was very dark as he turned at last into the familiar doorway, and mounted the dim staircase towards his own room the lodging he and Hugh Fitzjames shared together. But just now Fitzjames was absent, paying one of his frequent visits to the Langtons.

'Oh, I know you're wanted for exhibition, and all that, but you could plead business for one day. 'What is the use? said Mark. 'He will come to me as soon as he gets to town. 'No, he won't, my boy, said Caffyn; 'he will go and see the Langtons even before such a devoted friend as you are. Didn't you know he was like one of the family there?

Humpage in the pages of 'Illusion'; he had indeed heard of him from the Langtons, but the resemblances in the imaginary solicitor to Dolly's godfather were few and trivial enough, and, like most of such half-unconscious reminiscences, required the aid of a malicious dulness to pass as anything more than mere coincidences.

'By the way, he said, 'I've just thought of something. Harold Caffyn is a friend of mine. I know he wants to see you again, and he could tell you all you want to hear about about the Langtons, I've heard him mention them often enough; you see you don't even know where they are yet. I'll wire and ask him to meet us at my rooms, shall I? 'That's a capital idea! cried Holroyd.

On his lips it became no less urgent, but he dwelt especially on Sissy's desire to see justice done to the man who had been accidentally disinherited; on her feeling that she owed more to the Thornes, whose home and love she had shared, than to the Langtons, with whom she shared nothing but a name; and on her impatience of even an hour's delay, because the squire's sudden death had made a deep impression on her mind.

I think he will play my game without it. Mark went back to the Langtons and dined there. Afterwards he told Mabel privately that he would be obliged to leave town for a day or two on pressing business. There was no mistaking his extreme reluctance to go, and she understood that only the sternest necessity took him away at such a time, trusting him too entirely to ask any questions.

You haven't seen Dolly since you came back, and she's staying with me for a few days. You won't go away without seeing her? Vincent had been disappointed at not seeing her at the Langtons' the day before, and waited willingly enough now. It would be some comfort to know that the child had not forgotten him, and would be glad to see him. He had not long to wait.

'Do you mind telling me her name? said Mark, with a deadly foreboding of what was coming. 'Did I never speak of the Langtons to you? said Holroyd. 'I think I must have done so. She is a Miss Langton. 'Some day if if it is all well, you may see her, I hope. Oddly enough, I believe she has heard your name rather often; she has a small brother who used to be in your form at St.

'Then you are going down after all? said Caffyn. 'What are you going to say to him? 'That is my affair, said Mark. 'Oh, I beg pardon! I only meant that if you say anything to him about this wedding, or even let him think the Langtons are in town, I may as well give up any idea of getting him to come away with me.

One thing he had ascertained from the Langtons Vincent Holroyd had certainly followed the couple to Laufingen, and they had seen him there Harold had found Mrs. Langton full of the wonderful news of the return of the dead.