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Still, while this statement holds good in a general way, there are marked departures, and examples of extremely interesting and often original sculpture in Germany, although until the work of such great masters as Albrecht Dürer, Adam Kraft, and Viet Stoss, the wood carver, who are much later, there is not as prolific a display of the sculptor's genius as in France.

Kraft talks of the River Dana debouching into sea under the name of river as navigable from Mount Kenia. If so and rivers are considered highways and free to all flags I would far sooner have my frontier at Mount Kenia than descend to the lower lands. "Believe me, with many excuses for troubling you, "Yours sincerely, "C. G. GORDON."

"There's, besides, Sébalt Kraft, the master of the hounds; he is rather a dismal fellow, but he has not his equal at sounding the horn; and there will be Karl Trumpf, the butler, and Christian Becker, and everybody, unless they have all gone to bed."

The charming relief by Kraft on the Weighing Office exhibits quite another side of his genius; here three men are engaged in weighing a bale of goods in a pair of scales: a charming arrangement of proportion naturally grows out of this theme, which may have been a survival in the mind of the artist of his memory of the numerous tympana with the Judgment of Michael weighing souls.

"One day," concluded Kraft, solemnly, "there will come to Cypher's for a plate of beans a millionaire lumberman from Wisconsin, and he will marry Milly." "Never!" exclaimed Judkins and I, in horror. "A lumberman," repeated Kraft, hoarsely. "And a millionaire lumberman!" I sighed, despairingly. "From Wisconsin!" groaned Judkins. We agreed that the awful fate seemed to menace her.

Here, too, is the famous Sacrament House of honest old Adam Kraft, the most exquisite thing I ever saw in stone. The color is light gray; and it rises beside one of the dark, massive pillars, sixty-four feet, growing to a point, which then strikes the arch of the roof, and there curls up like a vine to avoid it.

It not being the custom in Germany to baptize children as soon as they are born, and as the anniversary of the wedding was not far distant, it was agreed to choose that day for giving a name to the heir of Sigmundskron. 'Call him Greif, said the baroness, 'after his father. 'Call him Kraft, for his grandfather, said Berbel to Hilda, when they were alone. 'He has bright eyes, said Greif.

The work of Luca Della Robbia will not be treated as sculpture in this book. Luca Della Robbia is a worker in plastic art, while Adam Kraft, hewing directly at the stone, is a sculptor.

He was now no longer able to compose, and to his last unfinished quartette he added a few bars of "Der Greis," as a conclusion: "Hin ist alle meine Kraft: Alt und schwach bin ich. "Gone is all my strength: old and weak am I." And these lines he caused to be engraved, and sent on a card to the friends who visited him. The end was indeed now near.

Before it was known what a slender metal core followed this wonderful growth, on the inside, there was a tradition that Kraft had discovered "a wonderful method for softening and moulding hard stones."