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The spaniel began to scratch feverishly upon the spot where the coal dust had been artificially spread. Kerry's eyes gleamed like steel. He shot out his hand and grasped the Chinaman by his long hair. "Open that trap," he said, "or I'll break you in half!" Ah Fung's oblique eyes regarded him with an expression difficult to analyze, but partly it was murder. He made no attempt to obey the order.

"Then in what way did she care for him?" rapped Kerry. "Well now we are coming to the point." Momentarily she hesitated, then: "They were both addicted " "Yes?" " to drugs." "Eh?" Kerry's eyes grew hard and fierce in a moment. "What drugs?" "All sorts of drugs. Shortly after I became acquainted with Rita Irvin I learned that she was a victim of the drug habit, and I tried to cure her.

He seemed to bear the Chief Inspector no personal animosity, and indeed, in his glittering eye, Kerry had detected a sort of mysterious light of understanding which was almost mirthful, but which bore no relation to Sin Sin Wa's perpetual smile. Kerry's respect for the one-eyed Chinaman had increased rather than diminished upon closer acquaintance.

I give up tryin' to pump him just as soon as I made up my mind it was a woman. That shuts a man's mouth like a poor-box. "Next week's fixed for the Logan killin' case, is it?" "Monday comin', for sure. I wouldn't like to be in Mr. Kerry's shoes.

The crowning tragedy had been the discovery that he could not regain the small, square window set high in the wall from which he had dropped into this luxurious prison. Now, as the two sat side by side upon a cushioned divan, the woman's arm about the boy's shoulders, they were startled to hear, in the depths of the house, three notes of a gong. Young Kerry's sleepiness departed.

He believed that he could tackle the Chinaman with fair prospects of success; and women, however murderous, he habitually disregarded as adversaries. But the mummy-like, deceptive Sam Tuk was not negligible, and Kazmah remained an unknown quantity. From under that protective arm, cast across his face, Kerry's fierce eyes peered out across the dirty floor. Then quickly he shut his eyes again.

Outdoor exercise, careful diet, perfect grooming, had kept Kerry in fine shape. His age told only in an added dignity, a slower movement. The girl went down on her knees, and hugged him. Pitache, aroused by Kerry's unwonted demonstrations, circled about them, rushing in every now and then to bestow an indiscriminate lick. "Why, it's Mary Virginia!" exclaimed Laurence, and helped her to her feet.

"God!" he muttered; "this place is a morgue!" "It certainly isn't healthy!" said an irritable voice from the floor. "But I think I might survive it if you could spare a second to untie me." Kerry's extensive practice in chewing and the enormous development of his maxillary muscles had stood him in good stead.

Up to this time all Kerry's faculties had been engrossed in what was told him, or that which went on before his eyes. Now memory suddenly roused in him.

Chief Inspector Kerry's jaw muscles protruded conspicuously. "You speak of patients?" he asked. Margaret nodded her head. "When a woman becomes addicted to the drug habit," she explained, "she sometimes shuns her regular medical adviser. I have many patients who came to me originally simply because they dared not face their family doctor.