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Gawden's charge; and, there the constable of the parish did show us the picklocks and dice that were found in the dead man's pocket, and but 18d. in money; and a table-book, wherein were entered the names of several places where he was to go; and among others Kent's house, where he was to dine, and did dine yesterday: and after dinner went into the church, and there saw his corpse with the wound in his left breast; a sad spectacle, and a broad wound, which makes my hand now shake to write of it.

And why be unhappy because one has only a little while to live? Looking back over your life, does it seem so very long ago that you were a boy, a small boy?" "The time has gone swiftly, very swiftly." "It seems only yesterday or so?" "Yes, only yesterday or so." Kent's face lit up with the whimsical smile that long ago had reached the little missioner's heart.

Then the insistent prompting seized him again; and when next he came to a competent sense of things present he was standing opposite the capitol building, staring fixedly up at a pair of lighted windows in the second story. They were the windows of the governor's room; and David Kent's brain cleared suddenly.

"I'm going up to take a look around Kedsty's place. I won't be gone more than half an hour and will stop on my way back. If you're asleep " "I won't be asleep," said Kent. O'Connor's hands gripped closer. "Good-by, Jimmy." "Good-by." And then, as O'Connor stepped back into the night, Kent's voice called after him softly: "I'll be with you on the long trip, Bucky. Take care of yourself always."

Suddenly Kent's voice echoed down the hall. "Come here quick, Ferguson!" There was a note of urgency about his appeal, and Ferguson straining his muscles until the blood pounded in his temples, threw the struggling man into a tufted arm-chair which stood by the entrance to the small dining room, and drawing out his handcuffs, slipped them on securely.

She was utterly surprised at the pleasurable sensation she experienced at having Kent's arm about her. The others were singing but for once Lydia's throaty contralto did not join in. So this was spooning! Of course, she wouldn't let anybody but Kent do this. And what did it amount to, anyhow! If this was all there was to spooning, why did people think it was wrong?

"Neither do I." But there was a different meaning in Kent's tone. "So you're going to quit?" He looked at her thoughtfully "You'll leave your address, I hope!" "Oh, yes." Val's voice betrayed some inward trepidation. "I'm not running away; I'm just going." "I see." He sighed, impatient at the restraint she had put upon him. "That don't mean you won't ever come back, does it?

"You needn't think as I'll 'arm you or your blasted dust. "You're a rum 'un, you are," he added reflectively, as he watched the sweat pouring from off Kent's face and the quavering of his knees. "W'y don't you pipe up an' say somethin'?" he went on, as the other struggled for breath. "Wot's gone wrong o' your gaff? Anythink the matter?" "W w where'd you get it?"

But Elinor spoke to the penal clause in his warning. "Then Mr. Kent's danger is more real than he admitted?" she said. "It's real enough, I fancy; more real for him than it might be for another man in his place.

When at length she succeeded in abstracting her attention from the clouds, it was to answer in the negative, in a tone of the supremest indifference, after which she relapsed into her contemplation of the weather. Further on I tried again. "That is Kent's, yonder. He brought his wife from home last year. What a hedge of sunflowers she has planted!