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Houston & Kennelly in their Electricity in Everyday Life sum the matter up as follows: "The Edison chemical meter is capable of giving fair measurements of the amount of current passing.

Frank J. Sprague, T. C. Martin, A. E. Kennelly, S. S. Wheeler, John W. Lieb, Jr., and Louis A. Ferguson have all been at one time or another in the Edison employ. The remark was once made that if a famous American teacher sat at one end of a log and a student at the other end, the elements of a successful university were present.

This room was for many years the headquarters of Edison's able assistant, Dr. A. E. Kennelly, now professor of electrical engineering in Harvard University to whose energetic and capable management were intrusted many scientific investigations during his long sojourn at the laboratory.

Pioneers of Electricity. By J. Munro. Dynamo-Electric Machinery. By Silvanus P. Thompson. A Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases. By Edwin J. Houston. Electricity and Magnetism. By Edwin J. Houston. Electricity One Hundred Years Ago and To-Day. By Edwin J. Houston. Magnetism; Electro-Technical Series. By Edwin J. Houston and Arthur E. Kennelly. Electro-Dynamic Machinery.

By Edwin J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. Stagnation was the state of medicine when the Nineteenth Century opened. It was only three years before that Jenner had announced and demonstrated the protective efficacy of vaccination against small-pox.