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The inhabitants of the neighbouring town of Kahla were seized with the same spirit. These mystical ideas and phrases assumed strange forms of expression among the common people, who jumbled together in wild confusion the supernatural and the material. Carlstadt kept up also a secret correspondence with Munzer. The question of the authority of the Old Testament soon took a wider range.

In this month, September, 1830, popular disturbances, but of minor import, broke out also at Jena and Kahla, Altenburg, and Gera. In Hanover, the first symptoms of revolution appeared in January, 1831. Dr. Koenig was at that time at the head of the university of Osterode, Dr. Rauschenplatt of that of Goettingen.

Breathes the scent of musk when they rise to rove, * As the Zephyr's breath with the flavour o'clove. It is made evident by dogs and other fine-nosed animals that every human being has his, or her, peculiar scent which varies according to age and health. Hence animals often detect the approach of death. "Kahla." This has been explained. Mohammed is said to have been born with "Kohl'd eyes."

Luther insisted, notwithstanding, that Carlstadt was 'an associate of the new prophets. He challenged him finally to abandon his intrigues and confute him openly in writing, and the heated interview ended by Carlstadt promising to do so, and by Luther giving him a florin as a pledge and token of the bargain. From Jena Luther went through Kahla, where also he preached, to Orlamunde.