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He was an acute rhetorician, and a purist in language. The extant names of his plays are Aeneas, and perhaps Armorum Judicium and Atreus, but these last two are uncertain. Tragedy was much cultivated during the imperial times; for it formed an outlet for feeling not otherwise safe to express, and it admitted all the ornaments of rhetoric.

Hermagoras and others had in antiquity considered judicium, or judgment, as a part of rhetoric, although Quintilian thought it less a part of rhetoric than necessary to all parts. Inventio, of course, has always been the most important part of rhetoric.

This ordeal was called the Judicium Dei, and sometimes the Vulgaris Purgatio, and might also be tried by several other methods. One was to hold in the hand, unhurt, a piece of red-hot iron, of the weight of one, two, or three pounds.

It is shocking, it is perfectly ridiculous, that the Bishop of Rome should touch a hair of any man's head for contradicting him; and why? Because, do you see? he is wrong. Certainly they would bear improvement, but that is not my business. Writing to Farrel, he says, 'Spero capitale saltern fore judicium. Sentence of the court, he hopes, will, at any rate, reach the life of Servetus.

The word per means according to. Otherwise there is no sense in the phrase per judicium paruim suorum.

This was called judicium delegatum in causis Trenkiansis; and when at last they came to a conclusion, the sentence was such as I shall ever shudder at and abhor.

"Salvum me fac, Deus, quoniam intraverunt aquoe usque ad animam meam. "Infixus sum in limo profundi; et non est substantia." At the same time, another voice, separate from the choir, intoned upon the steps of the chief altar, this melancholy offertory, "Qui verbum meum audit, et credit ei qui misit me, habet vitam oeternam et in judicium non venit; sed transit a morte im vitam*."

Who is able to tell his diligent preaching, which every day, and every hour, laboureth to sow cockle and darnel, that he may bring out of form, and out of estimation and room, the institution of the Lord's supper, and Christ's cross? For there he lost his right; for Christ said, Nunc judicium est mundi, princeps seculi hujus ejicietur foras.

He had hitherto been in the habit of going with an armed force, or sending an armed force on the lands, and against the castles, of all whom he knew or suspected to be his secret enemies, without observing any form of law." 3 Lingard, 47 note. "Judgment, judicium. The sentence of the law, pronounced by the court, upon the matter contained in the record." 8 Blackstone, 895.

T. Well, it may mean so, but the words run, ad tollendam dubitationem. C. It was a greatit was a powerful help towards removing my hesitationnothis was a powerful help, viz., your judgment and advice. T. Well, what is the construction ofpondusandjudicium”? C. Your advice came as a great weight. T. Very well, go on.