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At the farther end of the chapel, is a fresco painting by Pécheux representing the baptism of Jesus-Christ. In the next chapel, which is dedicated to Saint-Theresa, we see Sainte-Geneviève, the patroness of Paris. In her left hand she holds a book, and in her right a lighted taper. Satan tries to blow it out with a pair of bellows, while, behind the saint, an angel is ready to light it again.

Vous assurez qu'il ne se fait plus de miracles; mais qui vous l'a dit? ou cela est-il ecrit? Jesus-Christ assure, au contraire, que ceux qui auront autant de Foi qu'un grain de seneve, feront, en son nom, des miracles plus grands que ceux qu'il a faits lui-meme. Depuis quand etes-vous les directeurs des operations divines, pour les reduire a certains temps & dans la conduite ordinaire?

These sculptures, which are attributed to the celebrated Jean Goujon, consist principally of bas-reliefs representing different subjects from the Bible, such as the death of the Virgin, on the door in the rue Martainville; the baptism of Jesus-Christ, on the door of the great porch, etc. On the small door to the left, are also some very curious bas-reliefs.

Woolston's Discours sur les Miracles de Jésus-Christ, translated from the English . Boulanger's Christianisme dévoilé. Freret's Examen Critique des Apologistes de la Religion Chrétienne, 1767. The Examen Impartial des Principales Religions du Monde. Baron d'Holbach's Contagion Sacrée, or l'Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition, 1768.

Above the door, we distinguish a large bas-relief, which is divided into three compartments: the lower one, says Mr Gilbert, represents Joseph sold by his brethren; that in the middle; the funeral of Jacob; and the upper one Jesus-Christ on the cross.

It is in this chapel that we find a very curious cover of some baptismal-fonts, which was brought from the ancient church of Saint-Etienne. The bas-reliefs, which ornament it, represent the Passion of Jesus-Christ. In the sort of lantern, which surmounts the cover, is a Resurrection. These sculptures on wood, which are of great beauty, are of the beginning of the XVIth century.

The question has, during the past century, been the subject of much discussion, upon which it is not necessary for us here to comment. Such apparent evidence as there is in favour of the old theory of Jesus' natural recovery from the effects of the crucifixion may be found in Salvador's "Jesus-Christ et sa Doctrine"; but, as Zeller has shown, the theory is utterly unsatisfactory.

At the top of the sanctuary, behind the high altar, there is also another fresco by Pêcheux, representing the agony of Jesus-Christ. The painting receives the light from above, by an opening made expressly for that purpose. The organ, which was made by Mr Lebreton, of Rouen, was received on the 11th july 1830. It is composed of four keys, forty two registers, and one pedal.

January, 1870. Saint-Paul, par Ernest Renan. Paris, 1869. Histoire du Dogme de la Divinite de Jesus-Christ, par Albert Reville. Paris, 1869. The End of the World and the Day of Judgment. Two Discourses by the Rev. W. R. Alger. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1870.

Where is she now, that flower of northern snow, once seen for a season in Paris? Has she returned to her native northern solitudes, great gulfs of sea water, mountain rock, and pine? Balzac's genius is in his titles as heaven is in its stars: "Melmoth Reconcilié," "Jésus-Christ en Flandres," "Le Revers d'un Grand Homme," "La Cousine Bette."