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Platonov came to her aid: "Don't be embarrassed, my dear Jennie, tell all there is! For you know that I'm like one of the family, and will never give you away. And perhaps I may really give you some worth-while advice. Well, dive off with a splash into the water begin!" "That's just it, I don't know how to begin," said Jennka irresolutely.

Seeing what the matter was, he did not become amazed or excited; during his practice as an official city doctor, he had had his fill of seeing such things, so that he had already grown benumbed and hardened to human sufferings, wounds and death. He ordered Simeon to lift the corpse of Jennka a bit upward, and himself getting up on the seat, cut through the tape.

Well, if she had only said to you: take me, but only give me two roubles what would you have said to her?" "I don't understand you, Jennka!" Gladishev suddenly grew angry. "What are you putting on airs for! What sort of comedy are you trying to put over! Honest to God, I'll dress myself at once and go away." "Wait a while, wait a while, Kolya!

"Do you see these white spots? This is syphilis, Kolya! Do you understand? syphilis in the most fearful, the most serious stage. Now dress yourself and thank God." He, silently and without looking around at Jennka, began to dress hurriedly, missing his clothes when he tried to put his legs through.

Hereditary princes marry the street-walkers, the kept mistresses of yesterday... Jennechka, there is the scope for your unbridled vengeance; while I will admire you from a distance... For you you are made of this stuff you are a bird of prey, a spoliator... Perhaps not with such a broad sweep but you will cast them down under your feet." "No," faintly smiled Jennka.

Jennka was hanging in the middle of the water-closet on a tape from her corset, fastened to the lamphook. Her body, already motionless after an unprolonged agony, was slowly swinging in the air, and describing scarcely perceptible turns to the right and left around its vertical axis. Her face was bluishly-purple, and the tip of the tongue was thrust out between clenched and bared teeth.

In the doorway stood Liubka, grown thin, with dark rings under her eyes, and, just like a somnambulist, was searching with her hand for the door-knob, as a point of support. "Liubka, you fool, what's the matter with you?" yelled Jennka loudly. "What is it?" "Well, of course, what: he took and chased me out." No one said a word.

"Ah, that's the little baby of last year... Well, the devil with him!" "And that's right, too. But how healthy and handsome the lad has grown, and how tall... It's a delight, that's all! So if you don't want to, I'll go myself." Tamara saw in the mirror how Jennka contracted her eyebrows. "No, you wait a while, Tamara, don't. I'll see. Send him here to me.

"You at least desire something, but my soul is some sort of carrion ... I'm twenty-five years old, now; but my soul is like that of an old woman, shrivelled up, smelling of the earth ... And if I had only lived sensibly! ... Ugh! ... There was only some sort of slush." "Drop it, Jennka; you're talking foolishly.

"But to me this is absolutely all one," obstinately contradicted Jennka, "wise or foolish, honest or dishonest, old or young I have come to hate them all. Because look upon me what am I? Some sort of universal spittoon, cesspool, privy.