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Mrs Hominy shook her head with a melancholy smile that said, not inexpressively, 'They corrupt even the language in that old country! and added then, as coming down a step or two to meet his low capacity, 'Where was you rose? 'Oh! said Martin 'I was born in Kent. 'And how do you like our country, sir? asked Mrs Hominy. 'Very much indeed, said Martin, half asleep.

Her hands were small, and she constantly but inexpressively gesticulated with them; her elaborately undulated hair looked like polished, fluted silver; her eyes were small, dark, and intent; she smiled as constantly and as inexpressively as she gesticulated.

"Dagaeoga's best is very good indeed. Remember that if they undertake to rush us we will use our rifles, but they are to be held in reserve. Hark, the giant leader howls for the third time!" The long, piercing note came now from a point not very distant. Heard in all the loneliness of the black forest it was inexpressively threatening and evil.

"And do you call that," Chad asked, "accepting my flight?" "Certainly it's the only thing to call it. The only way to keep me here, accordingly," Strether explained, "is by staying yourself." Chad took it in. "All the more that I've really dished you, eh?" "Dished me?" Strether echoed as inexpressively as possible.

Here, undoubtedly, was one whom ignorant people would stigmatize as "blue" or as a "femme savante;" they would of course be quite wrong and inexpressively foolish to use such terms, and yet there was, perhaps, something a little incongruous in the two sides, as it were, of Erica's nature, the keen intellect and the child-like devotion, the great love of learning and the intense love of fun and humor.

You see, I am looking for the Double R ranch." "Oh," he said inexpressively; "the Double R." There ensued a short silence and she could not see his face for he had bowed his head a little and the broad brimmed hat intervened. "Do you know where the Double R ranch is?" There was a slight impatience in her voice. "Sure," came his voice. "It's up the crick a ways." "How far?" "Twenty miles." "Oh!"

And the effect is inexpressively increased by the background and the whole picture which Bret Harte paints so powerfully; the stormy skies, the sombre gorge, the rocking and spinning coach, and high above the feverish passengers the huge dark form of Yuba Bill, a silent mountain of humour.

Thus it happened that, in the sweet spring weather, while Roderick was on the stand at Epsom, watching the City and Suburban winner pursue his meteor course along the close-cropped sward, Lord Mallow was sitting at ease in a flowery fauteuil in the Queen Anne morning-room at Kensington, sipping orange-scented tea out of eggshell porcelain, and listening to Lady Mabel's dulcet accents, as she somewhat monotonously and inexpressively rehearsed "The Tragedy of a Sceptic Soul."

We cannot forget his welfare, or his happiness, we do not wish to forget his welfare or his happiness, because through our sympathy and affection, the essence of another life has become inexpressively near and dear to us. To a greater or less degree, this capacity for affection is inherent in human kind, from the lowest to the highest.

As the procession drew near, Jendrek heard a woman's voice above the children's shrill trebles, Hamer's guttural bass and the old people's nasal tones; it was clear, full, and inexpressively moving. It made his heart tremble within him. The sounds shaped themselves in his imagination to the picture of a beautiful weeping-willow.