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After all, she only has to work them over once, and as we find them, we'll mark them out of the book. Ready, Martha?" "Can't read it." James took the little dictionary. "Um," he said. "Hadn't occurred to me." "What?" asked Mrs. Bagley. "This thing says, Three-rd pers period sing periodic indic period of Be, the last in heavy bold type. Can't have Martha talking in abbreviations," he chuckled.

The old Indic and the old Iranian religions seem to have been independent developments from a common original mass of material; but we do not know what determined the differences in the two developments. The constructions were the work, doubtless, of successions of reformers, but the details of these long-continued efforts have not come down to us.

Or take a scruple each of pil. indic. foetid, agarici, trochis ati; one scruple of rhubarb pills, six grains of lapis lazuli, make into pills with epithimium, and take them once a week. Take three drachms of elect. loetificans.

From the very beginning, therefore, we trace this interdependence of literature. Moses, authorized by God, turns to all that is best in the older Babylonian, Egyptian and Indic literature, and uses it to regenerate and uplift the Hebrew race, so that we see the things contained in the Bible remained the same truths that God had been teaching from the beginning of time.