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When a man particularly an obnoxious foreigner lands there, they are rather more than likely to forget little incidentals like food and water. And if he should happen to be of a nation without diplomatic representation here, as is the case with the United States at present, he might well lie there incomunicado until his hearing, which might be in two days or might not be for a month.

Something terrible was going to happen as Piera himself felt confident, for it is said that before leaving Aparri he went to confession where he settled the important business of his conscience in a Christian manner with a representative of God. "And so it turned out, for as soon as he arrived in Ilagan he was taken to the convento and placed incomunicado in one of its apartments.

Sherwen," pleaded Miss Polly, with mischief in her eyes. "I'd make the cunningest little office assistant to busy old Dr. Pruyn. And he's a friend of dad's, and we surely ought to wait for him." "If only I COULD send you! The fact is, Americans won't be very popular if matters turn out as I expect." "Shall we be confined to our rooms and kept incomunicado, while Dr.

They'd never suspect the identity of either of us, I dare say. Well, Pablo will hold him incomunicado until I've completed my investigations." "Why are you incarcerating him in your private bastile, Don Mike?" "Well, I never thought to profane my private bastile with that fellow, but I have to keep him somewhere while I'm looking up his assets."

Guest walks to the shore end, meets two patrolmen, and turns in his gun. 'I've done a job for you, says he. So they pinch him. He's in the police station, incomunicado." Throughout the narrative, Mr. Greenough had thrown in little, purring interjections of "Good! Good!" "Yes." "Ah! good!" At the conclusion Mallory exclaimed! "Moses! That is a story! You say it isn't yours? Why not?"

But, sir, my Señor Padre said to me, 'son, I am the jefe politico of Tulancingo and the governor of the State is Pedro L. Rodriguez; I am his intimate friend, and we shall succeed in ousting that jefe in Tenango del Doria who has ordered your arrest." He also told us of one time, when his Señor Padre and an inspector visited that unfortunate district as an investigating committee, and found the jefe guilty and put him in jail incomunicado.

For a day or two telegrams flew back and forth, the Americans trying to secure the temporary release of the unfortunate lawyer but accomplishing nothing. D was kept practically incomunicado in the local calabozo. He insisted that there was a plot on foot to destroy him, and either he was much distressed or he pretended to be so.

No one was willing to deny that this condition made the ship floating Spanish territory, and the judge declined to issue the writ. Rizal reached Manila on November 3 and was at once transferred to Fort Santiago, at first being held in a dungeon "incomunicado" and later occupying a small cell on the ground floor.

"He is still incomunicado." Without believing it would lead to anything, I suggested: "It was foolish of him to give offence to Mr. Scott?" The commandant nodded vivaciously. "Mr. Scott is very powerful man," he assented. "We all very much love Mr. Scott. The president, he love Mr. Scott, too, but the judges were not sympathetic to Mr. Scott, so Mr.

Hillyard had reflected already upon that contingency. "But why should they? The sleeping-car man is held incomunicado. There is no reason why they should know anything about this letter at all, if we lay our plans carefully." He folded up the letter and locked it away in the drawer. He looked for a while out of the window of the saloon. The yacht had rounded the Cabo San Antonio.