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He felt full well, and in his epitaph expressed, what he had been to his nation: -Immortales mortales si foret fas fiere, Flerent divae Camenae Naevium poetam; Itaque, postquam est Orci traditus thesauro, Obliti sunt Romae loquier lingua Latina.

Per deos immortales! What's this? Mamercus! Falto!" And the young master rushed out of the room, Cappadox, who like lightning had caught up a sword, following him. Falto came running from the stables; Mamercus from the garden. Drusus faced his two subordinates, and in an eye's twinkling had taken in the situation.

His epitaph is very characteristic: "Mortales immortales si foret fas flere, Flerent Divae Camenae Naevium poetam. Itaque postquamst Orcino traditus thesauro Obliti sunt Romae loquier Latina lingua." Before entering upon any criticism of the comic authors, it will be well to make a few remarks on the general characteristics of the Roman theatre.

Some such thing as the following will occur: Waiter. Stage-struck Youth, No. 4. "Richard's himself again!" O, Dii immortales! can these things be? In other words, can such animals exist? It has been calculated by a celebrated mathematician, that out of every fourteen dozen of these stage-struck young gentlemen, one actually makes a first appearance.

Quod quidem ni ita se haberet ut animi immortales essent, haud optimi cuiusque animus maxime ad immortalitatis gloriam niteretur. 83 Quid quod sapientissimus quisque aequissimo animo moritur, stultissimus iniquissimo, nonne vobis videtur is animus, qui plus cernat et longius, videre se ad meliora proficisci, ille autem, cuius obtusior sit acies, non videre?

Alhambrum, proh dii immortales! Qualem regiam, romane purpurate, unicam in orbe terrarum, crede, he exclaims in his letter to Cardinal Arcimboldo of Milan.

He felt full well, and in his epitaph expressed, what he had been to his nation: -Immortales mortales si foret fas fiere, Flerent divae Camenae Naevium poetam; Itaque, postquam est Orci traditus thesauro, Obliti sunt Romae loquier lingua Latina.

The magistrates, on entering office, took oath by Iuppiter and the Di Penates populi Romani Quiritium, and that the conception was as wide in the state as in the household is shown by the fact that on less formal occasions the formula appears as Iuppiter et ceteri di omnes immortales.