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The ill-suppressed violence of my temper, irritated by the dangers of my situation, has already caused you many a sorrowful moment; and the increase of gloom you must have lately perceived, has originated in the fresh difficulties arising to me from the death of the husband of Alice; and the dread of her own approaching dissolution.

He turned round and regarded Jane, but, although she tried to meet him half-way by elevating her chin a little, his audacity failed him and the words died away on his tongue. A long silence followed, broken only by the ill-suppressed giggles of Annie, who had retired to the kitchen. "I trust that we shall make your lordship comfortable," said Miss Rose. "I hope so, my good girl," was the reply.

Notwithstanding the excitement of the moment, and the joy felt on all sides at the timely arrival of the English officer and his people, notwithstanding the surprise of the moment, that filled all present at the singular melting of old friends under such extraordinary circumstances, yet a close observer might have noticed an ill-suppressed expression of dissatisfaction upon Captain Ratlin's face, as he saw the English captain in friendly and even familiar intercourse with mother and daughter.

Had the young man not gone out immediately, he might have heard ill-suppressed sobs issuing from the room into which the maiden had shut herself. 'She is afraid to face me, said Luke to himself as he crossed the courtyard. 'No, no, she can't deceive me, though she is trying.

"What do you know about him?" the judge asked with ill-suppressed excitement. "Keep still wan' go sleep." "Wake up and tell me what you know about him, I say." "He' Squaker." "A Quaker?" "Yes, Squaker." "Great heavens!" speaking under his breath and trembling visibly. "What else do you know?" "Illegitimate child." "What?" passing around the table, seizing him by the collar and shaking him.

I could not read the expression upon De Croix's face in the gloom, yet I saw him start visibly at her almost mocking words, and there was a trace of ill-suppressed irritation in his voice. "Saint Guise! 'T was for that, then, he left us so mysteriously," he exclaimed, unconsciously uttering his first thought aloud. "But how knew he you were to be here?"

Every rumour of the success of the insurgents is repeated by them with ill-suppressed animation and pleasure, and the power of the people is exaggerated far beyond the bounds of truth.

Pepper, her black eyes roving over the excited group. "Now what is it all about? Baby, you tell mother first." Phronsie was not too big to jump into the comfortable lap, and while her fingers played with the bonnet strings, she laid the whole delightful plan open, the others hanging over them in ill-suppressed excitement. "Well, you see, Mamsie," she began deliberately.

O'Shanaghgan, and perhaps one from an absent friend for the Squire. No one was excited, as a rule, about the post at the Castle, and Nora's ill-suppressed anxiety was sufficiently marked now to make even her father look at her in some surprise. To the girl's relief, her mother unexpectedly came to the rescue.

My uncle commanded them in the year '42, and this was his coat. I don't mean to say that it was new then; for you see it's a kind of heirloom in the Quill family, and it's not every one I'd be giving it to." "A thousand thanks, Maurice," said I, as I buttoned it on, amidst an ill-suppressed titter of laughter. "It fits you like a sentry-box," said Maurice, as he surveyed me with a lantern.