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O ach ancati quechol in ipalnemoa o ach ancati tlatocauh yehuan Dios huiya achto tiamehuan anquitztoque tlahuizcalli amoncuicatinemi ohui, ohui, ilili, etc. Even like the quechol bird to the Giver of Life, even as the herald of God, you have waited for the dawn, and gone forth singing ohui, etc.

Ma oc achitzinca xomotlanecuican antepilhuan huiya tlacateuhtzin Huitzilihuitl a ya cihuacoatl y Quauhxilotl huia totomihuacan Tlalnahuacatl aya zan ca xiuhtototl Ixtlilxochitl y quenman tlatzihuiz quimohmoyahuaquiuh yauh y tepeuh yehuan Dios ica ye choca Tezozomoctli ohuaya ohuaya.

Although they are flowers, although they are songs, how shall I grieve that your efforts have been in vain, that you have gone forth from the world. Manton ahuiacan antocnihuan aya ma on nequech nahualo nican huiya a xochintlaticpac ontiyanemi yenican ayac quitlamitehuaz in xochitl in cuicatl in mani a ichan ipalnemohuani yi ao ailili yi ao aya hue aye ohuaya.

Mixtli ye ehuatimani yehuaya moxoxopan ipalnemohuani ye oncan celiztimani a in quauhtlin ocelotl, ye oncan cueponio o in tepilhuan huiya in tlachinol, ohuaya ohuaya. The cloud rises upward, rising into the blue sky of the Giver of Life; there blossom forth prowess and daring, there, in the battle field, come the children to maturity.

Nican momalinaco in colcahuahtecpillotl huiya nican milacatzoa in Colhuaca Chichimecayotl in toteuchuahuia. Here unrolled itself the royal line of Colhuacan, here our nobles of Colhuacan, united with the Chichimecs.

Mach nohuan tonyaz quennonamica o ah nicitquiz xochitl zan nicuicanitl huiya ma yo a xonahuiyacan to ya nemia ticaqui ye nocuic ahuaya. Let us go forth anywhere; I the singer shall find and bring forth the flowers; let us be glad while we live; listen to my song.