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This is the general rule, though it is by no means wholly the sex line that divides the old-fashioned houseworker from the specialized professional, though this habitual difference in standing between groups of different sex does tend to blur fundamental issues.

Manager and cook and houseworker, seamstress and confidante to her restless, growing brood, still there was a certain pure radiance that was never quite missing from her smile, and Susan felt a mad impulse to- day to have a long comforting cry on the broad shoulder. She thoroughly loved Mrs.

"Then listen, Jeb, and think things over well before you leave Pebbly Pit and take your money away to spend on a pretty Movie gal. "You say that Sary is a right smart cook and houseworker. You admit that she is thrifty, and will save that money you've got hidden away in the barn. "Now look at that good-fer-nothing Bill Dodd she married!

Unfortunately, however, although these qualities are indeed called for, they are not always called forth, because the houseworker is not permitted to concentrate her whole attention and interest upon any one class of work, but must be constantly going from one thing to another. Hence women have indeed acquired marvelous versatility, but at what a heavy cost!

The wages of a competent houseworker, in any part of the country, average over eighteen dollars a month. Add to this about thirty dollars a month represented by food, lodging, light, and fire, and you will see that the competent houseworker's yearly income amounts to five hundred and seventy-six dollars.

"Shouldn't think she'd be strong enough for housework," said Patricia, puckering her brow. "Mrs. Hand wants a 'lady houseworker, but I don't believe she'd have an ex-model. She's so awfully particular, you know." Miss Jinny nodded. "She'd work her to death, anyway," she agreed. "She's mighty inhuman under her soft outside. Her help don't hear much of her purry ways, I can tell you.

Won't you try him?" The outcome of this attempt to help the Carringfords was one of the many things Janice had to confide to daddy that evening. As she told him, she had put little dependence upon the hope of finding another houseworker easily. And that was well, for Mr. Day had found nobody at the agencies. He would not trust engaging a girl again, unseen.

Even in her position of retarded industrial development, as the housekeeper and houseworker of the world, woman has a contribution of special value to the state. As the loving mother, the patient teacher, the tender nurse, the wise provider and care-taker, she can serve the state, and the state needs her service.

"I should say they weren't if them you've had is samples," sniffed Miss Peckham. "Why don't you get somebody decent?" "I wish you would tell me how to go about getting a better houseworker," sighed Mr. Day. "Get a working housekeeper one that's trained and is respectable. Somebody to overlook " "But I cannot afford two servants," the man hastened to submit. "I ain't suggesting another servant.

"And if I find out that you done something outrageous to those cats to my Sam, 'specially it'll be the sorriest day of your life. Now, you see if 'tisn't!" She turned and flounced into her house. Janice came slowly back to the kitchen door where she found the new houseworker frankly listening. "Guess she's a sharper, ain't she?" squeaked the woman.