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It is surely, sir, no loss to the noble person to be debarred from any fellowship with men like these. Nothing can be more unpleasing to virtue than such a situation as lays it under a necessity of beholding wickedness that cannot be reformed; as the sight of a pesthouse must raise horrour, though we should suppose the spectator secure from the contagion. Mr.

"One of the chiefest, and indeed the most indispensable Rule of Drammatick Poems is that in them Virtues always ought to be rewarded, or at least commended, in spite of all the Injuries of Fortune; and that likewise Vices be always punished or at least detested with Horrour, though they triumph upon the Stage for that time."

Hold a pistol to Foote's breast, or to Hume's breast, and threaten to kill them, and you'll see how they behave. BOSWELL. 'But may we not fortify our minds for the approach of death? Here I am sensible I was in the wrong, to bring before his view what he ever looked upon with horrour; for although when in a celestial frame, in his Vanity of Human Wishes he has supposed death to be 'kind Nature's signal for retreat, from this state of being to 'a happier seat, his thoughts upon this aweful change were in general full of dismal apprehensions.

These twenty years past she has been longing to die, but still lives, an object of horrour to herself, and of pleasure to nobody. Send her a thousand dollars every quarter: she has promist me that her abandoned husband shall know nothing of this assistance either now or hereafter."

With what horrour, my lords, such a proposal would be heard, how loudly it would be censured, and how universally rejected, I need not say; but must observe, that, in my opinion, the detestation would arise principally from a sense of the injustice of exposing any man to peculiar hardships, and distinguishing him to his disadvantage from the rest of the community.

I cannot say, sir, which of these motives influences the advocates for the bill before us; a bill in which such cruelties are proposed as are yet unknown among the most savage nations, such as slavery has not yet borne, or tyranny invented, such as cannot be heard without resentment, nor thought of without horrour.

'May it not offend your Majesty, that the most miserable of men applies himself to your clemency, as his last hope and his last refuge; that your mercy is most earnestly and humbly implored by a clergyman, whom your Laws and Judges have condemned to the horrour and ignominy of a publick execution. 'I confess the crime, and own the enormity of its consequences, and the danger of its example.

The slave soon returned with a letter from Glyceria to Manlius. The latter handed it to the Cæsar: "It is yours; read it!" Carinus, with trembling hands, unrolled the parchment; his eyes sparkled as he read: "Manlius! Your lines quiver in my hand. A thousand emotions are raging in my heart; fear, longing, holy horrour, and wild love. I am under the ban of an irresistible spell.

If't be a worke, madam, of so short time, Pray let me beg a minutes privacy; 'Twill be soone done. Ele. Yes, but the horrour of So foule a deed shall never: there's layd up Eternity of wrath in hell for lust: Oh, 'tis the devill's exercise! Henrico, You are a man, a man whom I have layd up Nearest my heart: in you 'twill be a sin To threaten heaven & dare that Justice throw Downe Thunder at you.

Dryden makes Gonsalvo say in The Rival Ladies, act iv. sc. 1: 'For men with horrour dissolution meet, The minutes e'en of painful life are sweet. In Paradise Lost Moloch and Belial take opposite sides on this point: