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The loyalty of the Seatons was untainted. The first Earl of Wintoun had adopted as one of his mottoes, "Intaminatis fulget honoribus," and the sense of those words was fully borne out by the testimony of time. The Seatoun Charter Chest contained, as one of their race remarked, no remission of any offence against Government, a fact which could not be affirmed of any other Scottish family of note.

A man must be valiant for himself, and upon account of the advantage it is to him to have his courage seated in a firm and secure place against the assaults of fortune: "Virtus, repulsaa nescia sordidx Intaminatis fulget honoribus Nec sumit, aut ponit secures Arbitrio popularis aura."

Dublin, printed in the year 1724-5. Ceteri, quanto quis servitio promptior, opibus et honoribus extollerentur: Invalido legum auxilio, quae vi, ambitu, postremo pecunia turbabantur. Tacit. An.

To abolish that trade would be to shut the gates of mercy on mankind . Whatever may have passed elsewhere concerning it, the HOUSE OF LORDS is wise and independent: Intaminatis fulget honoribus; Nec sumit aut ponit secures Arbitrio popularis auræ .

Poole, nor destroy her blessed privilege to share that competence with a beloved spouse. Insolvency itself, thus protected by a marriage settlement, realises the sublime security of VIRTUE immortalised by the Roman muse: "Repulse nescia sordidae, Intaminatis fulget honoribus; Nec sumit ant ponit secures Arbitrio popularis aurae." Mr.