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"What's the matter, honey-sweet?" she asked quickly. "Rose Mamie, it's a lie that I don't know whether I told or not. It's so curious that I don't hardly think God knows what I did," and the General's face was set and white with his distress. "Tell me, Stonie, maybe I can help you decide," said Rose Mary with quick sympathy.

"If you'll take your medicine, she'll come back to see you," promised Anne. "Don't want her to come back want her to stay," sobbed Lois. Anne tried to soothe her with promises that she would bring Honey-Sweet back soon, dressed in a pink hat and a pink-flowered muslin. But Lois would not be consoled and Anne left her at last in tears.

So spake he, and drave the whole-hooved horses through the foss, laughing; and the other Achaians went with him joyfully. But when they had come to the well-built hut of the son of Tydeus, they bound the horses with well-cut thongs, at the mangers where the swift horses of Diomedes stood eating honey-sweet barley.

"The lotus flowers are not out yet but when they come that is the last touch of perfection. Do you remember Homer 'But whoso ate of the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus, was neither willing to bring me word again, nor to depart. Nay, their desire was to remain there for ever, feeding on the lotus with the Lotus Eaters, forgetful of all return. You know the people here eat the roots and seeds?

Then in a bowl of ivywood he mixed the honey-sweet wine, and himself sat over against him and bade him fall to: 'Eat now, stranger, such fare as thralls have to hand, even flesh of sucking pigs; but the fatted hogs the wooers devour, for they know not the wrath of the gods nor any pity. Verily the blessed gods love not froward deeds, but they reverence justice and the righteous acts of men.

Searching for early recollections of trees, I remember, when a boy of six or seven, finding some little green berries or fruits, each with its long stem, on the pavement under some great trees in the Capitol Park of my home town. I could eat these; and thus they pleased the boy as much as the honey-sweet flowers that gave rise to them now please the man.

"If Lois can stand that rattle-ty-banging, she can stand sight and sound of us. Let's go in," she said and she opened the door. Anne's eyes went straight to the mantel-piece. Honey-Sweet was not there. Anne looked down at the pallet, where Lois lay asleep. No Honey-Sweet there. The child's questioning, appealing eyes turned to Lois's mother. Mrs. Callahan dropped her face in her apron.

"She says she won't take that nasty old bitter old stuff. And her cheeks are so red and she breathes so rattly. Mommer's scairt. And the doctor man'll be so mad. Mommer asked her if she'd take her medicine for Honey-Sweet and she said 'Yes. So mommer say for us to run and beg you do please lend us your baby-doll to-day."

Now when they were come to the beautiful stream of the river, where truly were the unfailing cisterns, and bright water welled up free from beneath, and flowed past, enough to wash the foulest garments clean, there the girls unharnessed the mules from under the chariot, and turning them loose they drove them along the banks of the eddying river to graze on the honey-sweet clover.

"Each morning that is tardy, I give the spank to the wicked bébé that makes you to delay." To save Honey-Sweet from punishment, Anne sprang up the next morning at Louise's first call and dressed at once.