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What'cher doin' a-cleanin' house agin!" cried Sary, leaning against the door-frame panting for breath. "Winded, Sary? Ah told you-all Ah'd carry that heavy box from the wagon. But no!" exclaimed Mr. Brewster. Polly was over by the door by this time, and she stooped to carry the box indoors. "Goodness! What's in the box to make it so heavy?" "Chil', that box hol's all my treasures on arth!

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at did n' keer much fer de gals, leastways he did n' 'tel Dilsey come ter de plantation. Dilsey wuz a monst'us peart, good-lookin', gingybread-colored gal, one er dese yer high-steppin' gals w'at hol's dey heads up, en won' stan' no foolishness fum no man.

No. She'll want Truxton all to herself, Mandy." "Well, I hopes she has him," Mandy husked an ear of corn viciously. "I ain' got my boy. He hol's his haid so high, he ain' got no time fo' his ol' Mammy." "You know you are proud of him, Mandy." "I ain' sayin' I is, and I ain' sayin' I isn't. But dat Daisy down the road, she ac' like she own him." "Oh, Daisy? Is he in love with her?"

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at didn' keer much fer de gals, leastways he didn' tel Dilsey come ter de plantation. Dilsey wuz a monst'us peart, good-lookin', gingybread-colored gal, one er dese yer high-steppin' gals w'at hol's dey heads up, en won' stan' no foolishness fum no man. She had b'long' ter a gemman over on Rockfish, w'at died, en whose 'state ha' ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts.

No. She'll want Truxton all to herself, Mandy." "Well, I hopes she has him," Mandy husked an ear of corn viciously. "I ain' got my boy. He hol's his haid so high, he ain' got no time fo' his ol' Mammy." "You know you are proud of him, Mandy." "I ain' sayin' I is, and I ain' sayin' I isn't. But dat Daisy down the road, she ac' like she own him." "Oh, Daisy? Is he in love with her?"