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Others of my time and place have now passed whither there is neither time nor place, and there are moments when I feel that I must try to call them back and pay them such honor as my sense of their worth may give; but the impulse has as yet failed to effect itself, and I do not know how long I shall spare myself the supreme pleasure-pain, the "hochst angenehmer Schmerz," of seeking to live here with those who live here no more.

It was a lovely morning in July when Prince Roland walked into the shadow of the handsome tower which to-day is all that survives of the Elector's palace at Hochst, on the river Main. He found Greusel there awaiting him, but none of the others. When the two had greeted one another, the Prince said: "Joseph, I determined several days ago to appoint you my lieutenant on this expedition."

Hochst was organised in 1863 and started with five workmen. In 1912 it employed 7680 workmen, 374 foremen, 307 academically trained chemists, and 74 highly qualified engineers. The works of the Badische, which was organised in 1865, covered, in 1914, 500 acres, with a water front of a mile and half on the Rhine.

"Mir war höchst bedeutend zu sehen, wie sich der erste Erzähler des Jahrhunderts einem so ungemeinen Geschäft unterzieht und uns die überwichtigen Begebenheiten, deren Zeuge zu seyn wir gezwungen wurden, in fertigem Zuge vorüberführt.

"I told you last night that when I arrived at Hochst I should be thirsty, and would try to mitigate the disadvantage at a tavern." "Yes," said Ebearhard, with a laugh, "we can all see you have succeeded in removing the disadvantage." "Oh, you mean I'm drunk, do you? I'll fight any man who says I'm drunk.

Picric acid, chlorine, and lime were required, all three being normal raw materials or products of the industry. At Hochst no new plant was installed, the manufacture being carried out in the synthetic indigo plant. Phenylcarbylamine Chloride.

Let every man drink his fill to-night, for I intend to lead a sober company from Hochst to-morrow." "Oh, you're optimistic, Roland," cried John Gensbein. "Give us till twelve o'clock to cool our heads." "Drink all you wish this evening," repeated Roland, "but to-morrow we begin our work, with a long day's march ahead of us, so nine is none too early for a start from Hochst."

The opinion of the members of the Hartley Commission was, that much thought and attention had been given to chemical warfare by the chemists of the Company. A post-armistice inter-allied mission of experts, to the Rhine chemical factories, March, 1919. Hochst. A great volume of chemical warfare research occurred also at Hochst.

He would show the company he was not drunk, and tax them to follow him, but, his stout legs proving unable to carry out this excellent resolution, he gradually fell to the rear. As the sun rose higher, and grew hotter, the pace began to tell on him, and he accepted without protest the support of two comrades who had been drinking with him at Hochst.

Diphosgene or Trichlormethyl Chloroformate. This substance was toxic, a lachrymator, and slightly persistent. It attained a maximum monthly Output Of 300 tons at Leverkusen, and about 250 tons at Hochst. This was not a simple compound to make, and had no direct relationship with the stable product of the peace-time industry.