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To the bromide of lime add chloride of bromine until the mixture becomes a pale yellow color, resembling sulphur. It should be shook well, and enough of the chloride of bromine added to bring the compound to a deep blood red color. Use. Coat over the iodine to a pink color, and then over the above to a red, or just changing the color.

The perfectly dry filter is then opened over a circular piece of clean, smooth, glazed paper about six inches in diameter, placed upon a larger piece about twelve inches in diameter. In either case, care must be taken not to rub off any considerable quantity of the paper, nor to lose silver chloride in the form of dust.

=Chloride of Barium= occurs crystallized in irregular plates, like magnesium sulphate, soluble in water and bitter in taste. =Carbonate of Barium= is found in shops as a fine powder, tasteless and colourless, insoluble in water, but effervescing with dilute acids, and readily decomposed by the free acids of the stomach. =Nitrate of Barium= occurs in octahedral crystals, soluble in water.

If a carbonate, chloride, or nitrate, be present in the native binoxide, it must be removed with some sulphuric acid. This is afterward neutralized with a little caustic soda. This method yields the following results for its value in amount of manganese to 100: 99.91-99.902-99.895, and can be executed in about twenty minutes.

They should be washed over with chloride of lime, or, what is still better, given a fresh coat of paint. Three to four shillings will paint a truck; that is a small matter say sixpence a-head; but care must be taken that the paint is dry before the cattle are put into the truck, else the beasts will be poisoned.

Chlorinating and leaching generally is a process whereby metals are first changed by chemical action into their mineral salts, as chloride of gold, nitrate of silver, sulphate of copper, and being dissolved in water are afterwards redeposited in the metallic form by means of well-known re-agents.

"While I attended these women in their fevers I changed my clothes, and washed my hands in a solution of chloride of lime after each visit. I attended seven women in labor during this period, all of whom recovered without sickness. "In my practice I have had several single cases of puerperal fever, some of whom have died and some have recovered.

If we are struck with the fact that chloride of silver has been blackened, and have no suspicion of the cause, we have no resource but to compare instances in which the fact has chanced to occur, until by that comparison we discover that in all those instances the substances had been exposed to light.

It is made from water lilies and certain forms of grass which are burnt slowly under a fire, the resulting ash containing a large quantity of sodium chloride. It is however, mixed with sulphur, charcoal and other impurities and to remove these the ash is placed in water when the sodium chloride and other soluble salts enter into solution.

I begged his pardon, and he recovered his good humor in a moment. "You Texans have a great representative in Senator Mills," he said. "I think the greatest two speeches I ever heard were his address before the Senate advocating the removal of the tariff on salt and increasing it on chloride of sodium." "Tom Ochiltree is also from our State," I said. "Oh, no, he isn't.