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The binoxide of commerce, as taken from the mine, is well sampled, powdered, and dried at 100 deg.C. 0.5 gramme of this is taken and placed in a 250 c.c. flask; in analysis the binoxide on the filter, from the treatments noted under separation is thoroughly washed with warm water; it is then washed down in a flask, as above, after breaking the filter paper; sufficient water is added to one-third fill the flask, and about twice the approximate weight of the binoxide in the flask of oxalate of potassa; these are agitated together.

A medicine may be an emmenagogue without being an ecbolic. Permanganate of potassium and binoxide of manganese are valuable remedies for amenorrhoea, but will not produce abortion. The vegetable substances frequently used as abortives are savin and ergot. Leaves and tops of the plant yield an acrid oil having poisonous properties, and which has even produced death. Symptoms.

From the acids in insoluble and a few other compounds, chromic, arsenic, and arsenious acids, by fusion with carbonate of soda in presence of carbonic acid gas; borate of manganese is readily decomposed when the boracic acid is to be determined by boiling with solution of potassa, dissolving the residue in hydrochloric acid and precipitating the manganese as binoxide.

If a carbonate, chloride, or nitrate, be present in the native binoxide, it must be removed with some sulphuric acid. This is afterward neutralized with a little caustic soda. This method yields the following results for its value in amount of manganese to 100: 99.91-99.902-99.895, and can be executed in about twenty minutes.

First, I will detail my process of estimation, then on the separation. From all compounds of manganese, excepting those containing cobalt and nickel, the manganese is precipitated as binoxide; those containing these two elements are treated with phosphoric acid, or as noted under Separation. A. The Estimation.

The precipitate formed is transferred to the filter and well washed with water containing NH Cl and NH O, then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated with ammonia, filtering and washing as before. It is again dissolved in HCl and titrated with uranium solution, or decomposed by tin, as noted below, and the manganese precipitated as binoxide with chlorine, and determined.

After washing it is transferred to the flasks of the apparatus mentioned in the first part of this paper, and estimated. Myself and several others have found this always to be a true MnO , and not a varying mixture of protosesquioxide and binoxide, and will thus yield accurate results.