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Well, that obviates all difficulty. "By the way, I should recommend you to get a light bedstead and bed, and a couple of blankets, at one of the Parsee stores. Of course, you did not think of it, yesterday, or you might have bought Hitchcock's. However, I noticed in one of the Parsees' shops a number of light bamboo bedsteads; which are the coolest and best in a climate like this.

I'm going over to Hitchcock's to get somebody to come and help in with him; for you know me and Mrs. Van Brunt ain't Samsons." "Where is Mrs. Van Brunt?" "She 's out there, in a terrible to-do." Nancy sped on to the Hitchcock's; and, greatly frightened and distressed, Ellen ran over to the barn, trembling like an aspen. Mr.

A pair of gloves was bought at Thirlwall; Jenny Hitchcock's pony was sent for; and, after that, every day, when the weather would at all do, they took a long ride. By degrees, reading, and drawing, and all her studies, were added to the history, till Ellen's time was well filled with business again. Alice had endeavoured to bring this about before, but fruitlessly.

No one thought that he would do as well as that. You know they are fearfully rich she can't escape having a number of millions. Don't you think a man of forty is to be congratulated on having what he has been looking for for twenty years?" Miss Hitchcock's neat, nonchalant enunciation gave the picture additional relief. "I don't see how he has the face to show himself.

"He told me that the first time he went into the engine-room of a steamer, when he was a boy, he prayed to the low-pressure cylinder." "Not half a bad thing to pray to, either. He's propitiating his own Gods now, and he wants to know what Mother Gunga will think of a bridge being run across her. Who's there?" A shadow darkened the doorway, and a telegram was put into Hitchcock's hand.

Catherine opened it, wondering, and the others dropped their work. "A cake! Did you ever in your life? And I already have Mrs. Graham's jelly, and Mr. Graham's bag of nuts, and old Mrs. Hitchcock's jar of preserves! Mother, how can I ever thank them all?" "How can you ever get them all transported to Dexter, is what I'm wondering!

Secretary Hitchcock's efforts along this line resulted in the Oregon land fraud cases, which led to the conviction of Senator Mitchell, and which made Francis J. Heney known to the American people as one of their best and most effective servants. These land fraud prosecutions under Mr.

She resented Miss Hitchcock's efforts to reach her, and withdrew into her shell. This young woman with her attendant brougham belonged to the world that she liked to feel Sommers had renounced for her sake. She disliked the world for that reason. "Is he doing well?" Miss Hitchcock asked bluntly. "He was so brilliant in his studies and at the hospital!

A dinner, as she understood it, meant a gathering of a few old friends, much hearty food served in unpretentious abundance, and a very little bad wine. The type of these entertainments had improved lately under Miss Hitchcock's influence, but it remained essentially the same, an occasion for copious feeding and gossipy, neighborly chat.

Then the native workmen lost their heads with great shoutings, and Hitchcock's right arm was broken by a falling T-plate, and he buttoned it up in his coat and swooned, and came to and directed for four hours till Peroo, from the top of the crane, reported "All's well," and the plate swung home.