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I made no reference to either party. 'No, said he, 'but yer sintiments were awful highfalutin'." Mark laughed his appreciation. "Wasn't that rather a compliment to the Republicans?" he asked. "I took it so," said Father Murray.

"G'way, yu crimson topknot, think my head's a hunk of quartz? Fer a plugged peso I'd strew yu all over th' scenery!" shouted Billy, feigning anger and rubbing his head. "There ain't no scenery around here," interposed Lanky. "This here be-utiful prospect is a sublime conception of th' devil." "Easy, boy! Them highfalutin' words'il give yu a cramp some day.

The upper classes are out for all they can get, and they befool the poor imbecile working man with all their highfalutin phrases to get it for them at the cost of his blood. I've no use for them, I tell you. And I've no use either for undutiful daughters. I've no use for young women who blow hot and cold. Haven't I seen you with the fellow? Do you think I'm a blind dodderer?

He, too, had seen its passenger, a heavy, dark man with a short beard combed from the center to the sides. The flashing eyes had seemed to look everywhere at once, yet the man in the car had continued to smoke in quiet nonchalance as if he had not noticed the two standing by the gates. Uncle Mac had described the man well. He was 'highfalutin'' without a doubt.

"Why?" snapped the editor, pulling the green shade away from his eyes and glaring at the reporter. "Because he's the sort of man you feel you'd like to please! He's the only one of these fellows I've tackled who didn't tell me a lot of highfalutin rot they wanted put into the article. Bassett didn't seem to care about it one way or another.

We now approach the mysterious Stones that have caused more conjecture and wonder than any work of man in these islands or in Europe and of which more would-be descriptive rubbish has been written in a highfalutin strain than of any other memorial of the past.

Yeou know, if they feound it out, we'd be smash'd." Her terms were ten dollars a week. Highfalutin & Co. paid six, but she understood the business a great deal better now than when she made the bargain with them. The agent thought the price rather high, but finally consented to contract at that figure.

"Perhaps," said Father Murray, "I shall give it to you later on; but for the present let matters stand as they are. You know the detective, and I don't. The principal thing is to find out whether there is any connection between that camp, the 'highfalutin' gintleman' of Uncle Mac, and the detective. I have reason to think there may be.

Keep all the pink ones for the dining-room, and put the others wherever you like. Now, Mancy," she went on, "we'll discuss what to eat." "Yas'm, and I s'pose it'll be some ob dem highfalutin fandangoes ob yo's, what nobody can't eat." "You guessed right the very first time," said Patty, smiling back at the good-natured old cook, whose bark was so much worse than her bite.

"His name is Granville Joy," Ellen replied, unexpectedly. "Why, how did you know, child?" her grandmother asked. "Seems to me he's got a highfalutin' name enough. Here you, Granville if that's your name don't you know any better than to " But the boy was gone, his sled creaking on the hard snow at his heels, and a faint whoop sounded from the distance.