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There's Blair's 'Sermons' in the attic, and Hervey's 'Meditations Among the Tombs. They are a bit dusty, perhaps, but you won't object to that, for they are full of wholesome and cheerful reading." "Thank you," returned Bessie, undisturbed by this light banter.

Are you privately married to him? If you be not for my sake for your own for Mr. Vincent's do not write till we see the contents of Clarence Hervey's packet." "It can make no alteration in what I write," said Belinda. "Well, my dear, write what you please; but I only hope you will not send your letter till the packet arrives."

These peaks Captain Flinders made an excursion to examine, and from the summit of one obtained an extended view over the surrounding country, nothing novel, however, being seen. At Hervey's Bay, too, the only additional information gained, was of a nautical character, the natives seeming to be the most interesting objects met with.

Once he was on the point of shouting advice to Hervey about what to do in the unlikely event of his reaching the nest before the eagle, or in the more serious contingency of an encounter with that armed warrior. For, thrilled as he was at the young scout's agility and fine abandon, he was yet doubtful of Hervey's power of deliberation and presence of mind.

The thing now was to use all her cunning of mind, all her strength of body, to save him from imminent danger; and the satisfied glint of Hervey's eye convinced her that the danger was imminent indeed. Why he should hate Jim so bitterly was not clear; that he did so hate the stranger was self-evident.

I will not tire you with fighting over again all my battles in my seven years' war with Mrs. Luttridge. I believe love is more to your taste than hatred; therefore I will go on as fast as possible to Clarence Hervey's return from his travels.

Her quivering lips struggled to frame the words she longed to utter, but no sound came. Hervey's words, his attitude, his appearance of deep, honest sorrow for his sister paralyzed her faculties and hope died down in her heart. The man moved forward to her side, and touched her gently on the shoulders. "Come, Prue, we had best go back to the house. I can do no work to-day.

I am forced to live much with tout ça, as they are perpetually at my Lady Hervey's; and as my Lord Hertford goes ambassador to Paris, where I shall certainly make him a visit next year don't you think I shall be computing how far it is to Florence?

I acknowledge that Fanny is an excellent marchioness, and Lord Castleton an incomparable marquis. But, Blanche! if I can win thy true, simple heart, I trust I shall begin at the fifth act of high comedy, and say at the altar, "Once won, won forever." Sir Philip Sidney. Lord Hervey's Memoirs of George II.

After rounding Breaksea Spit, Cook found himself in a large bay, and conjectured, from the birds and the direction of their flight, that there was fresh water to the south-west; and rightly, for here the Mary River enters Hervey's Bay. On 23rd May they landed for the second time, and Cook says this was "visibly worse than the last place," that is Botany Bay.