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All hems can be run on the machine. Though not everyone likes the "feel" of linen, most housekeepers are ambitious to include a certain amount with their other bed linens, for use in the summer or during illness, because of its non-absorbent qualities. Sheets cost $3, $3.50, $4, $5, $6, and on up to $17, the more expensive ones being embellished with hemstitching, scallops, or lace.

Pennell was hemstitching the broad collar and dainty cuffs. "Your Aunt Deborah will be pleased if you have the dress to wear when you visit her," said Mrs. Pennell, a few days after her accident, when Ruth sat beside her, both busy with their needles. "But I can't go to Barren Hill, Mother. You couldn't spare me," replied Ruth. "Of course you must go to Barren Hill.

"Let's make Patty a tea-cloth, and we'll each write our name on it, and then embroider it, you know." "Lovely!" cried Christine. "Just the thing. Who'll hemstitch it? I won't. I'll embroider my name all right, but I hate to hemstitch." "I'll hemstitch it," said Elsie Morris. "I do beautiful hemstitching." "So do I," said Helen Preston. "Let me do half."

"There's hemstitching and fagoting, but I don't know as it's any less work than ruffling. And all the little girls are knitting lace. I'm doing some myself, oak-leaf pattern out of seventy cotton, and it's as handsome as anything you ever see." "I don't know how any one is going to find time for so much folderol!" "Oh, pshaw, Cousin Underhill, we did lots of it in our day.

But there's a good deal of talk there, child, get some sewing hemstitching or something and don't talk so much." She was silent quite a while. Then she said gravely: "I think I liked the other girls better than I do Anabella. Is she my real cousin? She said so yesterday. And once, just before I came here, Andrew said I had no cousin but him." "That's true enough.

A lady sat there hemstitching a damask napkin; a lady of dainty plainness, with a face full of graven experiences and mellowed character. Purity was the first, and the last, impression she gave. And when her eyes were dropped this idea was emphasized by their beautiful lids; for nowhere is the flesh so divine as in the eyelids.

Moreover, the deluded seeker after bed beauty who wastes her precious hours in hemstitching sheets and pillowcases cotton ones at that is a reckless spendthrift, and needs a course in the economics of common sense.

"And remember, don't tell a soul, Peg! Honor bright, cross your heart!" "Honor bright, cross my heart!" Peggy promised. "Christmas isn't half as much fun after you don't believe in Santa Claus." Peggy heaved a mighty sigh as she worked her needle in and out of the handkerchief she was hemstitching. "How old were you, Keineth, when you found there wasn't a Santa Claus?"

He looked at her steadily a moment before replying, taking in all the lovely details of her appearance behind the coffee tray the morning sunlight on her white hair and on the massive, hand-beaten, old silver service, the solitary rose he had purchased in the street standing between them in a slender Bohemian vase, brought from the rare old china in the press just at her back, the dainty hemstitching on her collar and cuffs of fine thread cambric, and lastly the vivid spot of color made by the knitting she had laid aside.

Lace stitches, made with bodkins or "piercers," or darning needles of sufficient size to make perforations, were skillfully rimmed and joined together in patterns by finer stitches, and open borders, and hemstitching, and dainty inventions of all kinds, for the embellishment of the fabrics upon which they were wrought.