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Perhaps greater noise had never arisen upon the moor; and the cattle, and the quiet sheep, and even the wild deer came bounding from unsheltered places into any offering of branches, or of other heling from the turbulence of men.

"I feel'd for all the world like some bold soldier after I had had some once," said Christian. "You shall feel so again," said Wildeve, with condescension, "Cups or glasses, gentlemen?" "Well, if you don't mind, we'll have the beaker, and pass 'en round; 'tis better than heling it out in dribbles." "Jown the slippery glasses," said Grandfer Cantle.

Everych hath his house, both man and woman. And their houses be made round of staves, and it hath a round window above that giveth them light, and also that serveth for deliverance of smoke. And the heling of their houses and the walls and the doors be all of wood. And when they go to war, they lead their houses with them upon chariots, as men do tents or pavilions.

"I feel'd for all the world like some bold soldier after I had had some once," said Christian. "You shall feel so again," said Wildeve, with condescension, "Cups or glasses, gentlemen?" "Well, if you don't mind, we'll have the beaker, and pass 'en round; 'tis better than heling it out in dribbles." "Jown the slippery glasses," said Grandfer Cantle.

And stand wide beneath, and come together upwards, and so they nigh nearer and nearer, and are joined either to other in the top of the house. It holdeth up heling, slates, shingle, and laths. The lath is long and somewhat broad, and plain and thin, and is nailed thwart over to the rafters, and thereon hang slates, tiles, and shingles.