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The remark was so unexpected that Dorothy slipped a beat in her step and shuffled quickly to fall in tune. "Good Gracious! what for?" Her surprise was unfeigned. "Because he won't let me give him the Heim Vandyke wants to buy it, insists on buying it. Asked me to let him have it and then won't accept it. Now, do me a favor, will you? You make him take it.

Later on we found that Theodor Kirchner, a musician who had settled at Winterthur and frequently visited Zurich, was better able to play certain bits of the pianoforte score. The wife of Heim, the head of the Glee Society, with whom we were both on friendly terms, was pressed into the service to sing the parts for female voices when I attempted to play some of the vocal parts.

"After five years of study with my first teacher, Rudolph Heim, a pupil of Moscheles, I entered the Moscow Conservatory, and continued my studies under Professor Pabst, brother and teacher of the composer of that name. I was then ten years old. Professor Pabst was very conservative, very strict, and kept me at work on the music of the older masters.

Frau Heim will, I hope, on this occasion be the reporter for Zurich, and I shall do my best to put her in a good temper. Johanna sings this evening at a concert in the theatre for the benefit of a local actress. "Tannhauser" will not be given tomorrow.

This afternoon I made an excursion to the Saleve with my particular friends, Charles Heim, Edmond Scherer, Elie Lecoultre, and Ernest Naville. The conversation was of the most interesting kind, and prevented us from noticing the deep mud which hindered our walking. It was especially Scherer, Naville, and I who kept it alive.

I'll pay the twenty dollars all right." "No, no. De bett is not von. No? De bett vass 'who is de first on shore come, Heim? Goot. Ven de sheep comes to Falmouth ve goes on shore, you und me, together. Like dis, eh?" He seized Burke by the arm and made a motion that they two should thus step out together. Burke, shamefacedly, said: "Aye, aye, b'ye."

D'Argenson had always been averse to an actual invasion of Dutch territory; and it was arranged between him and the Dutch envoys, Wassenaer and Gilles, at Paris, and between the council-pensionary Van der Heim and the Abbé de la Ville at the Hague, that a congress should meet at Breda in August, in which England consented to take part. He was succeeded by Jacob Gilles.

Albert Heim himself once expressed it very naively in a letter to the present writer, that the strata over these large areas are in a position manifestly at direct disagreement with the received order of the fossils, "is a fact which can be clearly seen, only we know not yet how to explain it in a mechanical way." An example in the Highlands of Scotland was about the next to be discovered.

This example, which was first called the Glarner Double Fold by Escher and Heim, is now universally called a nearly flat-lying "thrust fault," in accordance with the explanations since adopted of similar phenomena elsewhere.

That part of the town was not quite awake yet; the step sounding in the main street was that of the belated night- wanderer. He turned down Victoria Street, looking about him in surprise; he had never been here before. He read the door-plates: Artists' Bureau, Artisan Heim, Lodging for Artists, Masseur & Chiropodist, Costumes for Hire. Most of the announcements were in foreign languages.