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We hammered away under this, carryin' on very heavy, 'cause she were headin' west-nor'west, which were a good course, till eight bells in the arternoon watch, when the sea gittin' up so tremendiously we had to furl the reefed mainsail and mizzen topsail and close reef the fore and main topsails.

It's up to us boys to keep our eyes open. "Harlan's at the Star. He won't be knowin' that Deveny is headin' for the Rancho Seco. Harlan's white, boys; he's done more for us guys since he's been at the Star than Haydon or Deveny ever done for us. He's promised us things that Haydon an' Deveny would never do. He's a white man, an' I'm for him. An' I'm for takin' orders from him from now on.

Barthman's ranch is the nearest, an' he's got fifteen men. You hit the breeze over there an' tell him what's happened. Tell him we're whipped if he don't help us. An' tell him to send a rider to Corts, an' Littlefield, an' Sigmund, an' Lester, an' Caldwell. Tell 'em to take that trail leadin' to Kinney's cañon this side. That's where they're headin' the cattle to.

You an' me headin' for tall timber. Learn 'm lesshon jes' shame, learn 'm lesshon." Siskiyou Pearly's boat was empty, save for a pair of oars. Its gunwale rubbed against the bank alongside of O'Brien. They rolled him over into it. Mucluc Charley cast off the painter, and Leclaire shoved the boat out into the current. Then, exhausted by their labours, they lay down on the bank and slept.

The piece wuz divided into three different parts, with a headin' in big letters over each one. The first wuz, wimmen to have no labors and cares WHATSOEVER; Secondly, NONE WHERESOEVER; Thirdly, NONE HOWSUMEVER. The writer then proceeded to say that he would show first, what cares and labors men wuz willin' and anxious to ward offen women.

"We mus' turn sharp to the left here, or we'll no' get back. It's a tarrible windin' headin'." But Conway had discovered tracks, faintly discernible, leading across into a passage used by men and mules to shorten the distance to the inner workings. "He's a-goin' stret back," said Billy, sorrowfully, as they slowly followed these traces, "he's a-goin' stret back to whaur he cam' through."

This was some kind of a vacation Marjorie was havin', and she was doin' her best to make every hour count. Knowin' all that helped me to keep from bein' so much jarred by her next move. It was a couple of days after, on a Wednesday, and we'd got real well acquainted, when Marjorie spots me as I was headin' back for the office after leavin' some things for the boss.

Below Big Tom scores of Johnnie's friends were waiting his book friends, his real friends, and his think-acquaintances. Ignoring the longshoreman, Johnnie called down to them. "Come on up!" he invited. "Come ahead! The wind's fine! The ship, she's headin' this way!" Music sounded, for just that second Johnnie had ordered a band.

Thar's no headin' or holdin' him ontil Waco, in desperation, takes to tyrannisin' at him with his gun. ""It's this," says Waco, when Easy Aaron's subdooed. "If the eminent gent will quit howlin' right yere an' never another yelp, the committee is willin' to throw this villain Shoestring loose. Every one of us is a slave to dooty, but we pauses before personal deestruction in a awful form.

Toilin' till late bedtime, gettin' up before half rested, and takin' up agin the hard toil till the little feeble child-life is born into the world. How is it with the mother and the child? For answer, I refer you to countless newspaper files, under the headin' of "mysterious dispensations of Providence," and to old solitary churchyards, and to the insane statisticks of the country.