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"Moreover," he continued, stroking his beard and selecting his words with the precision of the careful linguist that he was, "this secretary of mine, after an interview of most disconcerting candor, took to the road and a hay-cart in a dudgeon, constituting himself, in a characteristic outburst of suspicion, quixotism, chivalry and protection, a sentinel to whom lack of sleep, the discomforts of a hay-camp and er spying black-and-tans were nothing.

Go back to camp and build a fire and hollow out the feathered biped." Ras slouched obediently off toward the hay-camp. "You've hay in your ears!" exclaimed Diane, biting her lips. "I'm a nomad!" announced Philip calmly. "So's Erastus so's Dick Whittington here. I'm likely to have hay in my ears for months to come.

"I I do not know." "'Twas the world-old instinct of primitive woman!" "No! No! No! It was only because I was living the life I love the best. I was very happy." "Why were you happier after the storm?" "I I do not know." "You have scolded with flashing eyes about the hay-camp " "But I I did not mind. I tried to mind and could not " "That is a very singular thing." "Yes."

There was Philip by the camp fire in Arcadia whittling his ridiculous wildwood pipe; Philip aboard the hay-camp and Philip in the garb of a nomadic Greek; Philip unwinding the music-machine for the staring Indians and building himself a tunic with Sho-caw's sewing machine; Philip and a moon above the marsh Utter loyalty and unchanging protection! Shaking, the girl covered her face with her hands.

Altogether he is a cultured, courtly, handsome man whom I have found vastly entertaining. Romantic, isn't it? "A letter to Eadsville, Kentucky, will reach me if you write as soon as this reaches you. "Ever yours, "Diane." Let him who is more versed in the science of a nomad's mind than I, say why there was no mention of the hay-camp! Ann's answer came in course of time to Eadsville.

"I have often thought of it," owned the Voice. "A gallant gentleman must see that his lady comes to no harm. 'Tis the way of gallant gentlemen " "Hum!" "And he never once spoke of his discomfort on the long hot road, though a hay-camp is subject to most singular mishaps." "I I have often marveled." "He is brave and sturdy and of charming humor "

Thus in a tropical garden of palm and fountain, of dark, shifting shadows and a thousand softly luminous Chinese lanterns swaying in a breeze of spice, a Bedouin talked to an ancient Greek. "He is here?" asked the Bedouin with an accent slightly foreign. "Yes," said the Greek. "He is here and immensely relieved, I take it, to be rid of the jurisdiction of the hay-camp."

You and I know differently, but nevertheless it is best that I seem but a poor vagrant grinding forth a hapless tune for the coppers by the wayside." The minstrel gazed idly at the hay-camp. "One does not quite understand," he suggested raising handsome eyebrows in subtle disapproval; "the negro, the hay the curious camp?" Diane recalled Philip's unfeeling attitude of the night before.

"Why have you not told him of the tall sentinel you have furtively watched of moonlit nights among the trees, a sentinel who slept by day upon a ridiculous bed of hay that he might smoke and watch over the camp of his lady until peep o' day?" "I do not know." "You are sighing even now for the van and a camp fire for the hay-camp through the trees " "No!" with a very definite flash of perversity.

Diane was quite sure it would not and later Philip departed for the hay-camp in the best of spirits. In the morning Diane found a conspicuous placard hung upon a tree. The placard bore a bombastic ode, most clever in its trenchant satire, entitled "To a Wild Mosquito by One who Knows!" Since an ill-fated occasion when Mr.