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There was a concert; in the course of which a hautbois concerto was so charmingly played, that I could have thought myself upon enchanted ground, had I had spirits more gentle to associate with. The hautbois in the open air is heavenly. Mr. Smith endeavoured to attach himself to me, with such officious assiduity and impertinent freedom, that he quite sickened me.

Paul and all the clergy, to the spot where was the said image. He himself carried a lighted waxen taper, bareheaded, with very great reverence, having with him the band and hautbois with several clarions and trumpets, which made a glorious show, so melodiously did they play.

The latter replied, laughing, that she was perfectly acquainted with the Greek poet, and said to prove it: "Homere etait aveugle et jouait du hautbois." The Queen found this sort of humour very much to her taste, and said that no pedant should ever be her friend.

I do not give these verses for any merit they have. I composed them at the time at which Patie Allan's mither died; that was the back o' midnight; and by the lee-side of a bowl of punch, which had overset every mortal in the company, except the hautbois and the muse.

"The Hobo, my dear fellow, is the name for that particular place of detention in city and county jails wherein are assembled tramps, drunks, beggars, and the riff-raff of petty offenders. The word itself is a pretty one, and it has a history. Hautbois there's the French of it. Haut, meaning high, and bois, wood.

So-and-so comes forward to make his sweet flute bleat and bray like a hautbois; it's forcing the poor thing to do what it was never made for." "This is literally true as regards Gregorian music," said Campbell; "instruments did not exist in primitive times which could execute any other. But I am speaking under correction; Mr. Reding seems to know more about the subject than I do."

I tell you, Harry, I could hardly see this girl for the mist of tears that came across me. And her voice I never heard such a voice. It was very low at first, with deep mellow notes, that seemed to fall singly upon one's ear. Then it became a little louder, and sounded like a flute or a distant hautbois.

The latter replied, laughing, that she was perfectly acquainted with the Greek poet, and said to prove it: "Homere etait aveugle et jouait du hautbois." The Queen found this sort of humour very much to her taste, and said that no pedant should ever be her friend.

On this Diaz requested to see his commission, and having seen it he returned to give an account to his captain of what had passed. Alvaro Daman, the Portuguese captain, went to wait upon the admiral in his boat, accompanied by kettle drums, trumpets, and hautbois, and courteously offered him every assistance in his power.

Adieu le bal, adieu la dance; Adieu mesure, adieu cadance, Tabourins, Hautbois, Violons, Puisqu'a la guerre nous allons!" These old verses and the air of the Marechal made all the guests laugh, except three persons. "Heavens!" he continued, "it seems to me as if, like him, I were only seventeen years old; he will return to us covered with embroidery.