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It was his draft of theHarzreise im Winter.” For a year and a half, since the time he had composed it in Ansbach, he had never again thought of it; it had lain untouched. Suddenly the fire of creation had flamed up in him; he could once more bind the incoherent, and make what had been merely implied or indicated take definite shape.

Late in the afternoon of a stormy day in June Daniel came home from the last rehearsal of theHarzreise,” tired and out of humour. The rehearsals had been held in a small room in Weyrauth’s Garden. He had quarrelled with all the musicians and with all the singers, male and female. As he reached Ægydius Place a shudder suddenly ran through his body.

He said: “I have lost my picture again; I want to try to find it in others.” Gertrude begged him, with a pale face, to be permitted to stay in the living room. She closed the door only partly. In Goethe’s verses entitledHarzreise im Winter,” thoughts lie scattered about like erratic strata in the world of geology, and feelings that are as big and terrible as the flames from burning planets.

It seemed as if born for the words of theHarzreise”: “With the dim burning torch thou lightest for him the ferries at night over bottomless paths, across desolate fields.” In mournful thirds, receding again and again, the voices sank to earth; just one remained on high, alone, piously dissociated from profane return.

In German I read, partly with my fingers and partly with Miss Sullivan's assistance, Schiller's "Lied von der Glocke" and "Taucher," Heine's "Harzreise," Freytag's "Aus dem Staat Friedrichs des Grossen," Riehl's "Fluch Der Schonheit," Lessing's "Minna von Barnhelm," and Goethe's "Aus meinem Leben."

M. Rivière wished, for this reason, to hear something about theHarzreise.” By way of starting a discussion he remarked quite timidly that sans musique la vie est insupportable, “There is something about music that reminds one of insanity,” he remarked.

Yes, go right up,” said Daniel stiffly; “you can stay and listen if you wish to. I am going to play the Harzreise.” “If I wish to? I almost have a right to; you promised me this long ago.”

Herr Ehrenreich, the wholesale merchant, drank to the health of the creator of theHarzreise”; the Count to the ladies present. Herr Carovius created a sensation. He sat with the members of theLiedertafel”; they had sung in the chorus; and they were ashamed of him, for he conducted himself in a most unseemly fashion.

With an absent-minded gesture, Daniel reached out and picked up the paper that was lying nearest him. It had fallen on the face of the doll. He unfolded it and saw, written in his own hand, the music to theHarzreise im Winter.” Under the notes were the words: But aside, who is it?

He was surprised to see that at this private rehearsal the hall at least the ground floor seats were almost all filled; a crowd of dilettante idlers and critics moved about and chattered to each other. The orchestra had to ignore their presence. They began with the Brahms Rhapsody for alto, chorus of male voices, and orchestra on a fragment of the Harzreise im Winter of Goethe.