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Robert Harley, afterwards Earl of Oxford, was descended from an ancient family, existing, it is pretended, in Shropshire at the time of the Norman Conquest, and closely allied to the French family of de Harlai.

Two poor Sisters of Charity who had often experienced his bounty, supported him as he expired. Bigotry persecuted to the grave the lifeless reliques of the man of genius. Harlai, Archbishop of Paris, who himself died of the consequences of a course of continued debauchery, thought it necessary to show himself as intolerantly strict in form as he was licentious in practice.

He then discharged the two pistols in the air, and permitted the humiliated man to mount his horse and ride away unharmed. Imbecility of the king. Haughtiness of the Duke of Guise. The duke goes to Paris. Interview with the king. Two rival courts. The Swiss guard defeated. Tumult in the city. Dignity of Achille de Harlai. Measures adopted by the duke. Endeavors to obtain an assassin.

Nobody knows what has become of the MS., which is supposed to have been anterior to the editions at the end of the fifteenth century, and was in the library of the Congregation de l'Oratoire, to whom it was presented by Henri Harlai de Sancy, who brought it from Italy and died in the Oratory in 1667.

The names of the men who took upon themselves the consequences of such a decision have remained unknown: doubtless the confessor La Chaise was one of the theologians; who was the other? The Archbishop of Paris, Harlai, was not, perhaps, in sufficient esteem, on account of his habits.

A long time had elapsed before she and her younger brother were legitimated by the King; I do not know for what reason. M. Achille de Harlai, Procureur-General du Parliament, helped to remove them by having the Chevalier de Longueville, son of the Duke of that name and of the Marechale de la Feste, recognized without naming his mother.

Some, however, with great heroism, still adhered to the cause of the king. The Duke of Guise sent for Achille de Harlai, President of the Council, and endeavored to win him over to his cause, that he might thus sanction his usurpation by legal forms; but De Harlai, fixing his eyes steadfastly upon the duke, fearlessly said, "'Tis indeed pitiable when the valet expels his master.

This argument, though in itself unanswerable, was too bluntly stated to be favorably received; Louis dismissed the suppliant with the indifferent answer, that the matter depended on the Archbishop of Paris. The king, however, sent private orders to Harlai to revoke the interdict against the decent burial of the man, whose talents during his lifetime his majesty had delighted to honor.

Raimond de Comminge, Sieur de Sobole, and his brother, noblemen of Gascony. Antoine, Seigneur d'Arquien, was Governor of Calais, Sancerre, etc. Jean Henri, Duc de Deux-Ponts, who married Catherine de Rohan, was descended from a branch of the royal house of Bavaria. Christophe de Harlai, Comte de Beaumont, Governor of Orleans. He died in 1615. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 94.

A long time had elapsed before she and her younger brother were legitimated by the King; I do not know for what reason. M. Achille de Harlai, Procureur-General du Parliament, helped to remove them by having the Chevalier de Longueville, son of the Duke of that name and of the Marechale de la Feste, recognized without naming his mother.