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But when the day of danger was past, and the slave applied for the fair guerdon, the Shaykh traitorously refused to keep his word. The Brave, finding a fit opportunity, naturally enough carried off the girl to the mountains; solemnly thrashed every pursuing party; and, having established a "reign of terror," came to the banks of the Wady Hamz, and built the "Palace" for himself and his wife.

A few yards further on showed us a similar line, the route taken by the caravan when going to Meccah via Yambu', now distant five marches. The two meet at the Wady Wafdiyyah, to the north-east of the Aba'l-Maru range, which we shall visit to-morrow. Before describing the Palace of Sa'id the Brave, I must devote a few lines to a notice of the Wady Hamz.

The parallelogram between north lat. 26 degrees, including the mouth of the Wady Hamz, and north lat. 27 , which runs some fifteen miles north of the Bada plain, would form a Southern Grant, sufficiently large to be divided and subdivided as soon as judged advisable.

We have noted the accidents of the latter as far as Dumayghah Cove, and now we descry in the offing the misty forms how small they look! of the Jebel el-Ward; the Jibal el-Safhah; the two blocks, south of the Wady Hamz, known as the Jibal el-Ral; and their neighbours still included in the Tihamat-Balawiyyah.

Nearer, but still far to the left, ran the high right bank of the Wady Hamz, sweeping with a great curve from north-east to west, till it stood athwart our path.

The Wady Hamz, which has been mentioned as the southern frontier of Egyptian Midian, and the northern limit of the Ottoman Hejaz, is the most notable feature of its kind upon the North-Western Arabian shore. He appears to identify it with the classical Wady el-Kura. Sprenger clean ignores the name, although he mentions its branches; and of course it is utterly neglected by the Hydrographic Chart.

Finally, we would return to El-Wijh, via the Wady Hamz, inspecting both it and the ruins first sighted by MM. Marie and Philipin. On Friday, March 29th, I gave a breakfast, in the wooden barracks, to the officers of the Sinnar and the officials of the port. After which, some took their opium and went to sleep; while others, it being church-day, went to Mosque.

Saltpetre is plentiful, and a third "Sulphur hill" rises from the maritime plain north of the Wady Hamz. The principal ruins and ateliers number five; these, beginning from the north, are the Umm el-Karayat, the Umm el-Harab, the Bujat-Bada, the Kharabat Aba'l-Maru, and the old Nabathean port, E1-Haura.

Follows the Umm el-Natakah, bristling like the fretful porcupine, and apparently disdaining to receive the foot of man; while the last item, the Jebel el-Khausilah, has outlines so thoroughly architectural that we seem to gaze upon a pile of building. About five miles behind or south of El-Khausilah runs the Wady Hamz. Thus the two blocks, El-Ward and El-Ughlub, form the Safhah proper.

El-Wijh is still the main, indeed the only, harbour in South Midian; and, during our stay there, a large caravan brought goods, as will be seen, from the upper Wady Hamz. Under the influence of the quarantine, El-Wijh, the town on the northern bank of its cove, has blossomed into a hauteville, dating from the last dozen years.