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Nothing, however, amused him more than Louise and all her "properties," as well as the great care which, with a half-comic, half-grave earnestness, she took of them; but he declared solemnly that he would disclaim all relationship with her if ever he should see her wearing a certain pale green shawl, called jokingly "spinage," and a pale grey dress, with the surname of "water-gruel."

On turning, I beheld the unexpected speaker a man on horseback, who had ridden up to the bars; and having halted there was craning his neck into the enclosure gazing upon the scene that was being enacted there, with a singular half-comic, half-satirical expression of countenance! Without knowing why, I hailed the arrival of this stranger as opportune.

As a matter of course the half-comic 'Intermezzi' of secondary characters were not wanting in Italy, yet this feature was hardly so broadly marked as in northern countries.

We had recently a half-solemn, half-comic desire to see the very latest development of Preston Mormonism in its Lune-street home; but having an idea that strangers might be objected to whilst the "holding forth" was going on, that, in fact, the members had resolved themselves, through diminished numbers, into a species of secret conclave, we were rather puzzled to know how the business of seeing and hearing could be accomplished.

The pussy blinked up at the young Greek god with an expression of adoration, half-comic, half-touching, while he bent his head and gazed down at her thoughtfully. Pilar took the sheet from Wilhelm's hand and compared it with hers. "They are exactly the same," she said at last, "only that they are entirely the opposite of one another. Do you really feel that I am as you have drawn me?"

He said she was right, and he had no doubt she would keep her word, and there was a quick, half-comic, half-serious gleam from the depths of his grey eyes which made Clarissa Gage look more bashful and lovelier than any man had ever yet beheld her. Pity the member or the peer could not have been that man!

"Well," pursued the father, in the same dry, half-comic, half-sarcastic voice, "but what do you intend to do with yourself?" "As to that," replied Hycy, who felt that the drift of the conversation was setting in against him, "I shall take due time to consider." "What height are you?" asked the father, rather abruptly. "I can't see, Mr.

Lord, the perils that beset the feet of man! He got up with a half-comic ill humour. 'You're not going! The hostess flitted over to remonstrate. 'I haven't had a word with you. 'Yes, yes; I'm going. Mrs. Freddy looked bewildered at the general laugh. 'He's heard aspersions cast upon your character, said Lord Borrodaile. 'His moral sense is shocked. 'Honestly, Mrs.

He noticed that she was no longer shabby, but wore a smart new dress and hat, with a huge boa of ostrich feathers half covering her thin, bare neck. There was a glint of jewels about her as she moved. The man with the young, weak voice gazed at her admiringly, with a half-pitiful, half-comic air of pride in being seen with so chic a creature. "Never you mind.

Oscard in the lurch, with no one to fall back upon but Durnovo you understand." Joseph's face had assumed the habitual look of servitude he was no longer a partner, but a mere retainer, with a half-comic resignation in his eyes. "Yes, sir," scratching the back of his neck. "I am afraid I understand. You want me to go back to that Platter that God-forsaken Platter, as I may say."