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Trulliber, instead of assisting him to get up, burst into a laughter, and, entering the stye, said to Adams, with some contempt, "Why, dost not know how to handle a hog?" and was going to lay hold of one himself, but Adams, who thought he had carried his complacence far enough, was no sooner on his legs than he escaped out of the reach of the animals, and cried out, "Nihil habeo cum porcis: I am a clergyman, sir, and am not come to buy hogs."

Petrus sic est locutus; 'Nec argentum mihi, nec aurum est; sed quod habeo, hoc tibi do; surge et ambula." He seemed to be speaking of the fountain. The priest answered meekly, "Non intellexi, Domine!"

Of his quarters in Saragossa in the first year of his classes he wrote: Domum habeo tota die ebullientibus Procerum juvenibus repletam. During the next nine years of his life, Peter Martyr devoted himself to his task and with results that gratified the Queen and reflected credit upon her choice.

An inn received me: a great kitchen full of men and women talking, a supper preparing, a great fire, meat smoking and drying in the ingle-nook, a vast timbered roof going up into darkness: there I was courteously received, but no one understood my language. Seeing there a young priest, I said to him 'Pater, habeo linguam latinam, sed non habeo linguam Italicam.

Stephen, checked by the crowd at the door, halted irresolutely. From under the wide falling leaf of a soft hat Cranly's dark eyes were watching him. Have you signed? Stephen asked. Cranly closed his long thin-lipped mouth, communed with himself an instant and answered: EGO HABEO. What is it for? What is it for?

My poor father sent me his pension, all the little sums he received, borrowed for me wherever he could, and when one day he answered me: "Non habeo," I sent him a desperate telegram in which I besought him to mortgage the estate. A little later I begged him to get money somehow on a second mortgage. He did this too without a murmur and sent me every farthing.

Habeo!" "But it was not so as to me," I added presently. "Yes, I said good-by to you, that last time, and I meant it. I had tried for years, I believe, with every argument in my power, to explain to you that I loved you, to explain that in every human likelihood we would make a good match of it, that we we well, that we'd hit it off fine together, very likely.

"Frugifera et ferta arva Asiae tenet." Let us therefore use the propriety of words of our own language, rather than the brilliancy of the Greeks; unless perchance we are ashamed of speaking in such a way as this "Quâ tempestate Paris Helenam," and the rest of that sentence. Let us, I say, pursue that plan and avoid harshness of sound. "Habeo istam ego perterricrepam.... Versutiloquas malitias."

Qua tempestate Paris Helenam, &c. we might even imitate what follows, and avoid, as far as possible, the smallest asperity of sound, habeo istam ego PERTERRICREPAM; or say, with the same author, in another passage, versutiloquas MALITIAS.

No, I will give my subjects no cause for murmuring. I know that my counsellors desire to manage matters with prudence; 'sed aetatem habeo', and you are to believe, that, of my own motion, I have resolved not to extend my offer of assistance, at present, beyond the amount already stated. But I don't say that at another time I may not be able to do more for you.