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The verdict was 'Guilty. And the sentence was 'Five years' Penal Servitude. "Oh, Daddy," she whispered, crushing the paper hard, "it's not true I don't believe it. You never did it! Never, never, never!" There was a hammering on the door. "What is it?" said Bobbie. "It's me," said the voice of Phyllis; "tea's ready, and a boy's brought Peter a guinea-pig. Come along down." And Bobbie had to.

I suppose a microbe which made guinea-pigs eat their toes off was communicated to the germ-cells of an unfortunate guinea-pig which had been already microbed by it, and made the offspring bite its toes off too. The microbe has a good deal to answer for. On the case of the deterioration of horses in the Falkland Islands after a few generations, Professor Weismann says:

"Even a great intellect" here Tyson looked hard at Miss Batchelor, and her faded nervous face seemed to shrink under the look "is a great misfortune to a woman. Look at my wife now. She has about as much intellect as a guinea-pig, and the consequence is she is not only happy herself, but a cause of happiness to others. There see!" Miss Batchelor saw.

He did not feel equal to guinea-pig, although he was very hungry. Perhaps, however, Labouchere's best story of those days was that of the old couple who, all other resources failing them, were at last compelled to sacrifice their little pet dog. It came up to table nicely roasted, and they both looked at it for a moment with a sigh.

'Yes, sir, he was there. 'Ah, so I thought. Well, my opinion of him is that he is merely a guinea-pig you know what that is? I have made up my mind to have nothing more to do with the venture, at any rate. And so they were pleased with your report, were they? 'They appeared to be.

By cutting the spinal cord or the sciatic nerve of guinea-pigs, Brown-Séquard brought about an epileptic state which was transmitted to the descendants. Lesions of the same sciatic nerve, of the restiform body, etc., provoked various troubles in the guinea-pig which its progeny inherited sometimes in a quite different form: exophthalmia, loss of toes, etc.

Brown-Sequard, Dr., on the inheritance of the effects of operations by guinea-pig. Bruce, on the use of the elephant's tusks. Brulerie, P. de la, on the habits of Ateuchus cicatricosus; on the stridulation of Ateuchus. Brunnich, on the pied ravens of the Feroe islands. Bryant, Dr., preference of tame pigeon for wild mate. Bryant, Captain, on the courtship of Callorhinus ursinus.

As soon as I beheld him thus arrayed, a suspicion, which had previously crossed my mind, again recurred, and I almost vowed to myself that, spite his protestations, Harry Bolton never could have been at sea before, even as a Guinea-pig in an Indiaman; for the slightest acquaintance with the sea-life and sailors, should have prevented him, it would seem, from enacting this folly.

If I could sell that incubus and put the money into a ranch fruit, hens, anything then we could all live on it; more cheaply, I think; and I could find time for some research work I have in mind. You remember that guinea-pig experiment I want so to try?" Diantha remembered and smiled sadly.

He had "recipes" for exterminating from a field, blight, tares, foxtail, and all parasitic growths which destroy the wheat. He defended a rabbit warren against rats, simply by the odor of a guinea-pig which he placed in it. One day he saw some country people busily engaged in pulling up nettles; he examined the plants, which were uprooted and already dried, and said: "They are dead.