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When he again turned in the direction of Government-house, he proceeded at a rapid pace, as if his purposes had been quickened by the sight. His aides, who had been dispersed on different errands, entered the town by its various avenues; and some of them joined him in the Jesuits' Walk.

There were half a dozen seal-skin tents, a few houses of stone and turf, and one or two wooden buildings, besides the government-house that proudly supported the flag of Denmark. "What do you want, Sammy?" said his mother, as he appeared at the door of one of the seal-skin tents. She was sitting on a bed of reindeer skins. "I want needle and thread, mother.

Any one watching Desborough's face as the Doctor spoke would have seen his eyebrows contract heavily, and a fierce scowl settle on his face. The name the Doctor mentioned was a very unwelcome one. He had been taunted and laughed at, at Government-house, for having allowed Hawker to outwit him. His hot Irish blood couldn't stand that, and he had vowed to have the fellow somehow.

These words renewed Afra's weeping, in the midst of which Therese hastened away: when the remnant of the anxious family retired to their chambers, not to sleep, but to pray and wait. As it might be supposed, Monsieur Revel and his grandchild had no desire to remain in Government-house a moment longer than was necessary, as Afra was obliged to leave it.

A boat was sent off, in due form, to bring Commissary Polverel home to Government-House. Toussaint himself went to the prison to bring out General Laveaux, with every demonstration of respect; and all presently wore the aspect of a jour-de-fete. Hour by hour tidings were spread which increased the joy of the French, and the humiliation of their foes.

The poor fellows have been carried away, while I was not there to stand by them but making speeches here, like a holiday fool! I will bring them to their senses presently. Make way, friends make way." And Odeluc stepped out among the blacks on the piazza, that being the shortest way to Government-House. "I hope he is not too confident," whispered a town deputy to a friend from the south.

Residences for the Governor Parell Its Gardens Profusion of Roses Receptions at Government-house The evening-parties The grounds and gardens of Parell inferior to those at Barrackpore The Duke of Wellington partial to Parell Anecdotes of his Grace in India Sir James Mackintosh His forgetfulness of India The Horticultural Society Malabar Point, a retreat in the hot weather The Sea-view beautiful The nuisance of fish Serious effects at Bombay of the stoppage of the trade with China Ill-condition of the poorer classes of Natives Frequency of Fires Houses of the Parsees Parsee Women Masculine air of the other Native Females of the lower orders who appear in public Bangle-shops Liqueur-shops Drunkenness amongst Natives not uncommon here, from the temptations held out The Sailors' Home Arabs, Greeks, Chinamen The latter few and shabby Portuguese Padres Superiority of the Native Town of Bombay over that of Calcutta Statue of Lord Cornwallis Bullock-carriages High price and inferiority of horses in Bombay Hay-stacks Novel mode of stacking.

I told her I would not go to her house, for I feared there was some plan to get me into the hands of the priests. The inn in which I was, is one near the government-house, in a block owned by the Baroness de Montenac, or the Baroness de Longeuil, her daughter. I think it must be a respectable house, in spite of what Mrs. Tarbert says in her affidavit. Mrs.

They formed in the Walk, and in the court of Government-House, remaining in fighting order, with drawn sabres, during the whole of the interview between the late and the present Commander-in-chief. With an unaltered countenance, Toussaint took once more the oath of allegiance to France; the oath which it had never been his desire to break.

One thing only I recommend you to do at present, which is, to accompany me this afternoon to Government-house, that I may introduce you to the governor. It is just as well to get over that mark of respect which is due to him, and then you will be your own master." Alexander replied with many thanks.