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Such a woman would have made me a thousand times more successful than I " Lydia broke in with a loud voice of anguished questioning: "Do they make them better men?" she asked piercingly. Her husband looked at her over his shoulder. "Oh, you and your goody-goody cant!" he said, and going out without further speech, closed the door behind him. The clock struck the half-hour.

But it is reported that the officials are backing out. They are goody-goody people. They seem to think that the Chinese proposal is a just one. There is no reason why China should make any unjust claim. But even if China's claim is intrinsically just from her own standpoint, we should not agree to it if it is disadvantageous to us.

At least, so Joseph told me, and he heard it from the servants at the bishop's palace. There's no one like it nowadays, and for the matter of that, she's become goody-goody." "What's her name?" asked Lucy. "Madame d'Anglars." "Irma d'Anglars I knew her!" cried Gaga. Admiring exclamations burst from the line of carriages and were borne down the wind as the horses quickened their trot.

"Oh no; she thinks me a goody-goody old frump." At the same moment another brush at the splendid hair betrayed a half-consciousness of the grace of her own movements. "She wouldn't say a word to me she is much more likely to tell one of the men. Perhaps she will tell Edmund Grosse to-morrow; he is so easy to talk to."

PURITANIC MANHOOD. It is a melancholy fact that, by reason of uncleanness, we have almost lost regard for the type of puritanic manhood which in the past held aloft the standard of a chaste and holy life; such men in this day are spoken of as "too slow" as "weak-kneed," and "goody-goody" men.

"It pays," said Diana serenely, squatting cross-legged on her bed, while Loveday's neat hands arranged her possessions. "If I were a sedate, goody-goody, 'old-beyond-her-years', staid sort of a person, you'd never spoil me as you do. I'll try to practise it if you like, though. Anything to please you! How would this do?" Diana's mobile face suddenly underwent a quick change.

I don't want you to think that he's good in a goody-goody way, because he's not. Laura," she exclaimed, "he's a fine man. I didn't intend to brag him up to you, because I wanted you to like him. But no one knows as I say no one knows Curtis Jadwin better than Charlie and I, and we just love him. The kindliest, biggest-hearted fellow oh, well, you'll know him for yourself, and then you'll see.

Dolores suggested, however, that a goody-goody story about a choir-boy lost in the snow would never do for the Many Tongues, and a far more exciting one was taken up, called 'The Waif of the Moorland, being the story of a maiden, whom a wicked step-mother was suspected of murdering, but who walked from time to time like the 'Woman in White. There was only too much time for the romance; for weeks passed and there was no answer from Mr.

"How mean you were!" said Nastasia. "Bah! you wish to hear a man tell of his worst actions, and you expect the story to come out goody-goody! One's worst actions always are mean. We shall see what the general has to say for himself now. All is not gold that glitters, you know; and because a man keeps his carriage he need not be specially virtuous, I assure you, all sorts of people keep carriages.

Even in English it is not unknown, though it is not generally accounted one of the typical formative devices of our language. Such words as goody-goody and to pooh-pooh have become accepted as part of our normal vocabulary, but the method of duplication may on occasion be used more freely than is indicated by such stereotyped examples.