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She's lighted up at last! Afraid to go in without lights, I dare say, for fear of arousing suspicion. I'm getting to believe she is the Follow Me, Harry." "I haven't doubted it once. Do you suppose she knows we're after her?" "She knows we're here, of course, but she can't be certain we're after her. Still, turning that searchlight on was a sort of give-away.

I was obliged to kiss Biddy to keep from laughing out loud. And she couldn't scream or box my ears, or all our dreadful precautions would have been vain. "We must find them," said Monny. "Why?" "Oh, if we don't, they might find us." Anthony laughed a give-away, English-sounding laugh. But Monny did not recognize its birthplace.

"Don't you think my baby beautiful?" demands a fond parent. "No, I don't: far from it." That is the truth; but its naked and repulsive brutality demands to be clothed with the garb of humane and graceful fiction. "Prisoner at the bar, are you guilty or not guilty?" He is guilty, of course; but if he says so, it is a dead give-away.

Truxton recovered the catch from the bushes and coolly detached the truculent pin. "I'll have 'em for dinner," announced the Prince. "Are you going to catch a mess?" queried the man, appalled. "Sure," said Bobby, casting again with a resolute splash. "Are you not afraid they'll get onto you if you take them to the Castle?" asked the other diplomatically. "Goldfish are a dead give-away."

"We won't be the lordly Terrans, any more, helping the poor benighted Kwanns out of the goodness of our hearts, scattering largess, bearing the Terran's Burden new model, a give-away instead of a gun. Now they'll pity us; they'll think we're inferior beings." "I don't think the natives are inferior beings!" She was almost in tears.

"My father, who prided himself upon playing a very good game of checkers, on one occasion tried a game with him. After several moves my father said, "Why, Monsieur de Balzac, we are not playing Give-away! You are letting me take all your men; you are not playing the game seriously." "Indeed, I am," rejoined Balzac, "as seriously as possible," and he continued to let his men be taken.

Jeff set his teeth and compressed his lips to bear as best he could, the give-away which his mother could not appreciate in its importance to him: "They're not the kind of people to take such a thing shabbily," said Westover. "They didn't happen to mention it, but Mrs. Vostrand must have got used to seeing young fellows in straits of all kinds during her life abroad.

In each case the knotted handkerchief was offered with the same spoken formula. Ambrose asked what it was they said. "This is give-away dance," Watusk explained. "He is say: 'This my knife, this my blanket, this my silk-worked moccasins. What he want to give. After he got give it."

Longer strides than most girls take and a swing from the hips like a graceful dance motion. Yes, that walk should be a dead give-away." "And her eyes, Ken, she has eyes!" "Yes," rather musingly, "she has eyes!" "Ken, we mustn't give further countenance to this silly, faddy place." This with conviction. "Why should we, Aunt Emily? I only went at your request, you know." "Of course.

Stephen took so kindly to the little show, and made such commonplace exclamations of pleasure, that Amy felt a sudden relieved compunction and smiled upon him very graciously. "They are not a bit like what I expected," he said; "but they are such self-important, conceited little chaps that you can't help having a fellow-feeling with them!" "Hullo! There's a give-away!"