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"I sha'n't discuss Mrs. "But I am her friend her friend, mind you; and if she is in danger of being imposed upon by you, I stand ready to protect her. For I want you to know that I'm not afraid of you, day or night. Why, you low dog !" and I choked, itching for the crisis. He gawked, reddening; his right hand quivered; and to my chagrin he slowly laughed, scanning me.

In she went, slamming the door after her so that those who gawked at the bunk-house entrance might gawk in vain. And now Steve Packard achieved in one flashing second the removal of his feet from the table, the shifting of his pipe from his teeth, the swift buttoning of his shirt across his chest. And as he stared at her he gasped: "I'll be " "Say it!" laughed Terry. "Well, I'm here.

As he came down the street he stopped occasionally and gawked around. Simon was always ready for fun, and determined to see what the planter was up to. Accordingly, as they met, Simon said, "Good mornin'!" "Good mornin'!" replied the gawky. "Have yer lost summat?" asked Simon.

But he obstinately took roundabout ways, and presently he was where he could see long gray walls of vapor where lay battle lines. The voices of cannon shook him. The musketry sounded in long irregular surges that played havoc with his ears. He stood regardant for a moment. His eyes had an awestruck expression. He gawked in the direction of th fight.

"I want to get out where I can wear overalls; have a dog or maybe five dogs out where I can ride a hoss and chaw scrap-tobacco and spit like a man. I want to get away from being gawked at during all my waking hours. This thing here, is getting on my nerves.

In any case she must often have been stung by the exasperation of those at whom she gawked. He took the ticket back from her and told her the number of his seat.

"That afternoon we gawked around, a-lookin' at all the outside shows, for Jone said he'd have to be pretty careful of his money now, an' he was glad when I told him I had two free tickets in my pocket for a show in the evenin. "As we was a-walkin' down to the ferry, after supper, says he: "'Suppose you let me have a look at them tickets. "So I hands 'em to him.

But he obstinately took roundabout ways, and presently he was where he could see long gray walls of vapor where lay battle lines. The voices of cannon shook him. The musketry sounded in long irregular surges that played havoc with his ears. He stood regardant for a moment. His eyes had an awestruck expression. He gawked in the direction of the fight.

We all kept to our own tasks and our own fires, with the exception that Daniel gawked and strutted in the manner of a silly gander, and made frequent errands to his father's household. "Montoyo, by Gawd!" Jenks pronounced, in a grumble of disgust rather than with any note of alarm. "Look alive." And "He don't hang up my pelt; no, nor yourn if I can help it."

Here and there, like a moving dot, a ploughman turned a belated furrow; or a sweating ditcher leaned upon his reluctant spade and longed for night; or a shepherd, quite as silly as his sheep, gawked up the morning hills. But not a sign of help for Nick. Once, passing through a little town, he raised a sudden cry of "Help! Help they be stealing me away!"